First, if you haven’t done so already, check out the main usage page. Once you’ve done that, the next place to look for information is the specific method docs – ThinkingSphinx::Search and ThinkingSphinx::Index::Builder in particular.
Keep in mind that while Thinking Sphinx works for ActiveRecord with Merb, it doesn’t yet support DataMapper (although that is planned).
Fork on GitHub and after you’ve committed tested patches, send a pull request.
To get the spec suite running, you will need to install the not-a-mock gem if you don’t already have it:
git clone git:// cd not-a-mock rake gem gem install pkg/not_a_mock-1.1.0.gemThen set up your database
cp spec/fixtures/database.yml.default spec/fixtures/database.yml mysqladmin -u root create thinking_sphinxYou should now have a passing test suite from which to build your patch on.
rake specSince I first released this library, there’s been quite a few people who have submitted patches, to my immense gratitude. Others have suggested syntax changes and general improvements. So my thanks to the following people:
- Joost Hietbrink
- Jonathon Conway
- Gregory Mirzayantz
- Tung Nguyen
- Sean Cribbs
- Benoit Caccinolo
- John Barton
- Oliver Beddows
- Arthur Zapparoli
- Dusty Doris
- Marcus Crafter
- Patrick Lenz
- Björn Andreasson
- James Healy
- Jae-Jun Hwang
- Xavier Shay
- Jason Rust
- Gopal Patel
- Chris Heald
- Peter Vandenberk
- Josh French
- Andrew Bennett
- Jordan Fowler
- Seth Walker
- Joe Noon
- Wolfgang Postler
- Rick Olson
- Killian Murphy
- Morten Primdahl
- Ryan Bates
- David Eisinger
- Shay Arnett
- Minh Tran