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basman edited this page May 6, 2011 · 5 revisions

A bot opens fire

This fork contains an experimental bot interface and a prototype bot implementation in perl.

State of my work

The bot interface

In the bot-interface branch there is a bot interface (Linux and IPv4 only), together with a simple bot prototype. To launch the bot, I use this command. It launches the bot as background process and the Sea Defender binary in the foreground. This is necessary, as the GUI won't let you switch to the shell to launch the bot afterwards.

bots/ & ./sea

The bot is playable and if you feel like it, you can fire manually while the bot is doing its work. However this way you will run out of missiles before the last torpedo has been hit. Most fun comes out of this if you choose difficulty level "hard" and wave 20 or above. Just lean back and watch the bot keeping the ships safe (or not :) ).

In the source code of there is a list of ideas for improvement. If you like to practice network gaming programming or AI coding, give it a shot.

Random ship names and minor fixes

In the master branch you can find one new feature and a couple of minor bug fixes:

Runtime bugs:

  • random ship names
  • remove an unnecessary missile reload call within the draw callback (performance)

Compile time bugs:

  • create .deps directory in Makefile (fixed for Linux only)
  • create .gitignore file