Containerized Hamachi VPN
To run Hamachi VPN client for hub / spoke configurations in a NAS or other environment
Currently at Version:
Container is running Ubuntu 20.10
First, setup a local Volume storage to ensure config persists between container rebuilds in your docker-compose.yml:
- /volume1/docker/hamachi/config:/var/lib/logmein-hamachi
When you build this for the first time, you'll need to ssh into the container and join the network.
The fastest way to build this is to download the docker-compose.yml, edit it and then run:
docker pull -d
docker-compose up -d
To log-in to the container use the bash_hamachi.sh script (found in the Scripts folder):
# Name:
# -----
# bash_hamachi.sh
ID=`/usr/local/bin/docker ps | grep hamachi | cut -f1 -d" "`
/usr/local/bin/docker exec -it --user=root $ID /bin/bash
Then run
hamachi do-join 123-446-789 # this pushes a request to vpn.net to join your private network
Then login to vpn.net and approve the join request