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WI: How to make release on google play

Dinasoa edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 12 revisions

To make a release on google play, considering you already have a binary to upload. ( If you don't have yet, here is the link on how to build it on a specific environment: How to build a binary )

Note that the deployed version must be a higher version than the previous one.


  • You must have access to the google play console account, you can get it from aws ssm:
Link to [google play console](
  • You must have the .aab file
  • Click on the project Bpartners

Now that you are on the google play console dashboard of our Bpartners project:

  • Click on the left side bar menu Production


  • Click on edit release on the top at the right


  • Drop the bundle


  • Then, review release

After that, you have to wait for the version to be released :)