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Hardhat Starter-Kit 💼

This is an implementation of Klaytn contracts, Price Feeds and Randomness contracts using the Hardhat development environment.

Getting Started 👩‍💻

Primarily, you would learn how to write, deploy, and test smart contract functionalities using Hardhat. And also explore other Hardhat features like Forking from mainnet, Impersonating Account and Hardhat Set Balance

Please refer to Hardhat Getting Started Guide to learn more.

Requirement 🧠

  • git
    • You'll know if git is installed if you can run: git --version and you see a response like git version x.x.x
  • Nodejs
    • You'll know you've installed nodejs right if you can run: node --version and get an output like: vx.x.x

Quickstart 💫

  1. Clone and install dependencies

After installing all the requirements, run the following:

  git clone
  cd Klaytn-Hardhat-Starter-Kit


 npm install
  1. Now you can run hardhat commands!
 npx hardhat test

To get a list of all commnands, run npx hardhat --help

Usage 🔮

1. Compiling contracts ⌛

 npx hardhat compile

This compiles the entire project, building all artifacts.

2. Deploying contracts 🧑‍💻

 npx hardhat run

This runs a user-defined script after compiling the project.

 npx hardhat run scripts/scriptname.ts

Run a Local Network 👨‍💻

 npx hardhat node

This Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of Hardhat Network. With this you get you'll get a local blockchain, private keys, and also ether for gas fees. This is one of the best ways to test and interact with smart contracts.

Using a Testnet or Live Network (Baobab or Cypress) ⛰️

In your hardhat.config.ts you'll see section like:

module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.17",
  networks: {

This section of the file is where you define which networks you want to interact with. You can read more about network config in hardhat docs.

To interact with a live or test network, you'll need:

  • An rpc URL
  • A Private Key
  • KLAY (either testnet or real)

Let's look at an example of setting these up using the Klaytn Baobab testnet.

Klaytn Baobab Testnet Setup 🌀

First, we will need to set environment variables. We can do so by setting them in our .env file (create it if it's not there / rename to .env if you have .env.example).

IMPORTANT NOTE: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DON'T EXPOSE THE KEYS YOU PUT IN THIS .env FILE. By that, I mean don't push them to a public repo, and please try to keep the keys you use in development not associated with any real funds.

  1. Set your Baobab_RPC_URL environment variable.

You can get one for free from ANKR, AllthatNode, .

  1. Set your PRIVATE_KEY environment variable. This is your private key from your wallet, ie MetaMask. This is needed for deploying contracts to public networks. You can optionally set your MNEMONIC environment variable instead with some changes to the hardhat.config.js.

.env example:

  1. Get some Testnet KLAY

Head over to the Klaytn Faucet and get some KLAY.

  1. Change KIP7 contract argument.

Head over to scripts folder, click on kip7TokenDeploy.ts. Change token name, symbol and supply to suit yours.

  1. Running commands

You should now be all setup! You can run any command and just pass the --network baobab now!

To deploy contracts:

npx hardhat run scripts/kip7TokenDeploy.ts --network baobab

To run test:

npx hardhat test test/kip7test.ts

Forking from mainnet 👨‍💻

If you'd like to run tests or on a network that is a forked network

  1. Set a CYPRESS_ARCHIVE_URL environment variable that connects to the mainnet.

This is how your hardhat.config.ts should look like

  hardhat: {
      forking: {
       url: process.env.CYPRESS_ARCHIVE_URL ||  "",
npx hardhat node

This pulls the instance of live network(cypress) on your local

Test 👨‍💻

Tests are located in the test directory, and are split between unit tests and staging/testnet tests. Unit tests should only be run on local environments, and staging tests should only run on live environments.

To run unit tests:

npx hardhat test

To run tests on baobab network:

npx hardhat test test/testfile.ts --network baobab

Using Oracle Contracts 💥

Connecting your smart contract with real-world data has been made easy by means of decentralized oracles. Decentralized oracle services such as Price Feeds, Random Number Oracles etc are made available through providers such as Witnet, Chainlink, SupraOracles on Klaytn.

Witnet PriceFeed

The Price Router contract is the easiest and most convenient way to consume Witnet price feeds on Klaytn. To read price values from the Price Router contract, you need first to identify the WitnetPriceRouter address specific to Klaytn.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0;

import "witnet-solidity-bridge/contracts/interfaces/IWitnetPriceRouter.sol";
import "witnet-solidity-bridge/contracts/interfaces/IWitnetPriceFeed.sol";

contract KlayUsdPriceFeed {

    IWitnetPriceRouter public immutable witnetPriceRouter;
    IWitnetPriceFeed public klayUsdtPrice;
     * Network: Klaytn Baobab
     * WitnetPriceRouter: 0xeD074DA2A76FD2Ca90C1508930b4FB4420e413B0
    constructor() {
        witnetPriceRouter = IWitnetPriceRouter(0xeD074DA2A76FD2Ca90C1508930b4FB4420e413B0);

       /// Detects if the WitnetPriceRouter is now pointing to a different IWitnetPriceFeed implementation:
    function updateKlayUsdtPriceFeed() public {
        IERC165 _newPriceFeed = witnetPriceRouter.getPriceFeed(bytes4(0x5d9add33));
        if (address(_newPriceFeed) != address(0)) {
            klayUsdtPrice = IWitnetPriceFeed(address(_newPriceFeed));

    /// Returns the KlAY / USD price (6 decimals), ultimately provided by the Witnet oracle, and
    /// the timestamps at which the price was reported back from the Witnet oracles sidechain to Klaytn Baobab. 

     function getKlayUsdtPrice() external view returns (int256 _lastPrice, uint256 _lastTimestamp) {
        (_lastPrice, _lastTimestamp,,) = klayUsdtPrice.lastValue();

To get your price feed for Klay/Usdt, run the command below

npx hardhat run scripts/witnetPF.ts --network baobab

Please refer to Witnet price feeds to check the list of data feeds available on Klaytn Cypress and Baobab.

Witnet Random Oracle

The WitnetRandomness contract, also known as the "Witnet Randomness Oracle" is the easiest and most convenient way to generate reliable randomness for your smart contracts on Klaytn.

Navigate to WitnetRandomness Contract Address for contract address specific to Klaytn.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

import "witnet-solidity-bridge/contracts/interfaces/IWitnetRandomness.sol";

contract WitnetRandomness {

    uint32 public randomness;
    uint256 public latestRandomizingBlock;
    IWitnetRandomness immutable public witnet;
    /// @param _witnetRandomness Address of the WitnetRandomness contract.
    constructor (IWitnetRandomness _witnetRandomness) {
        assert(address(_witnetRandomness) != address(0));
        witnet = _witnetRandomness;
    receive () external payable {}

    function requestRandomNumber() external payable {
        latestRandomizingBlock = block.number;
        uint _usedFunds = witnet.randomize{ value: msg.value }();
        if (_usedFunds < msg.value) {
            payable(msg.sender).transfer(msg.value - _usedFunds);
    function fetchRandomNumber() external {
        assert(latestRandomizingBlock > 0);
        randomness = witnet.random(type(uint32).max, 0, latestRandomizingBlock);

To get your random number, run this command

npx hardhat run scripts/witnetRandomness.ts --network baobab

Take into account that this example implements an asynchronous workflow — calling fetchRandomNumber() right after requestRandomNumber() will most likely cause the transaction to revert. Please allow 5-10 minutes for the randomization request to complete.

Contributing 📙

Contributions are always welcome! Open a PR or an issue!

Thank you ⚡️


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