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Easy to use Open-Source Template for your own self-hosted CV website! See demo

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This website was designed as a template with the aim of enabling anyone to create their own website quickly and easily. Anyone should be able to create a modern CV website within a few minutes. The code is open source, and I am very happy about further use or contributions! Due to the early planning of this in the design, no code needs to be adapted to use the template. Therefore, not much programming experience is necessary; all data for the website is easily configurable in JSON files. In the future, a simple web tool is planned with which the template can be filled out to make the process even easier. After customizing the template with your own data, it can be easily published via GitHub Pages. The description for all these steps is given below.

this slowpoke moves

1. How to use the template

Using this template consists of 4 easy steps:

  1. Click Use this template in the top right corner of this page and create your own CV repository
  2. Clone your repo: git clone --recurse-submodules (note that fetching the submodule is necessary for the project to work locally)
  3. Activate GitHub Pages deployment: Under Settings -> Pages -> Build and deployment set Source to GitHub Actions
    • As you probably do this after the first run of the continuous deployment workflow has ended, this will probably fail. Just rerun it after you changed this setting.
  4. Fill the template with your own information

1.1 Fill the template

All data displayed on the CV is stored in input/data
Use the following steps to insert your own data:


This file contains a definition of the languages that can be used in the CV as well as a definition of section headings etc. for each language. If all languages you want to use are defined you only need to adjust the languages array.

Field Description
languages Array of IDs of all available languages
defaultLanguage ID of language that should be used when no locale could be determined
${IDs of languages} Each of the above listed languages needs a LanguagePack object like defined in model.ts

Other JSON files

The other JSON in input/data/ contain the user specific data. All languages that are configured in the previous step in general.json need an entry in each of these files. For the definition of the objects to define refer to model.ts.


Assets are mostly images that are required for the website to work. An overview of the required assets:

Asset Description
input/assets/avatar/* This folder contains the background image in different resolutions. Providing multiple resolutions can improve performance while sustaining high quality on bigger screens. This must be configured inside background.json
input/assets/chat-avatar/avatar.png Low resolution avatar used in the chat box. Aspect ratio should be 1:1.
input/assets/CV-static.pdf PDF CV which gets used as fallback for noscript devices and mobile devices.

2. Start server in development

cd core
npm install
npm start         # dev server at http://localhost:4200/ with hot reload
npm run build     # builds application to core/dist/

3. Project Structure

In order to separate template logic from code this project was divided into 2 parts:

  • This repository: documentation for using the template, scripts for the template, documentation of the whole project
  • core: code base the whole project

This separation enables users to more easily update the code after applying the template because using a template repository creates an entire separate Git history.

To update the core, use:

git submodule update

4. Contact

I really appreciate everyone using this template, so if you have any questions or problems using it, please feel free to contact me! You can create issues, feature ideas or contact me directly via