The project was created with the intuition of learning better to linguagem Java and deepened the knowledge of guidance to objects.
Classes were made by Professor Nélio Alves, on course Java COMPLETO 2020 Programação Orientada a Objetos +Projetos
To run the game you need to have:
- Versions after Java 8
Now how do you execute?
Enter the following command
java -jar target/chess-terminal-console-game-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
With command above you can already start the game and be taken to the initial screen of presentation
You can type Yes(yes), or Y(y), to start, any other key cancels the initialization of the game
After being in you is redirected to another screen where the game is already shown.
To move the pieces you have your position of origin and your position of destiny, and to move between the two you need to know the letter of column and the number of the line.
In the photo above, you can see all your viable options from your play in the game.