This project scans a folder for certain type of files, than takes its checksums and populate a sqlite database used by a Flask app to return files requested by its checksums. The database is kept updated by a script using inotify-tools.
There are three distinct elements:
- Script that populates a sqlite database with given files
- Flask app that takes a checksum and return the corresponding file
- Script monitoring a folder updating the database if necessary
Files into zip archives are extracted and checksummed.
SHA1 checksum is used but its easy to change.
- Python 3.x
- sqlite3/unzip/inotify-tools packages installed
- Clone the repository
- Copy the .env-example to .env and adjust the variables
- Add some files to the db:
find /path/to/scan -type f -exec ./ {} \;
- Run Flask app
Eventually copy the *.service files into the ~/.config/systemd/user/ folder, adjust the WorkingDirectory and enable the services:
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start checksum-download.service
systemctl --user enable checksum-download.service
systemctl --user start checksum-monitor.service
systemctl --user enable checksum-monitor.service
Scan a folder:
find /path/to/scan -type f -exec ./ {} \;
Download file by its SHA1 checksum:
wget http://localhost:5000/checksum-downloader/<checksum>