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2.3.35 Satellite SQL Chat

av edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 1 revision

Handle: sqlchat
URL: http://localhost:34351

SQL Chat screenshot

SQL Chat is a chat-based SQL client, which uses natural language to communicate with the database to implement operations such as query, modification, addition, and deletion of the database.


# [Optional] Pre-pull the image
harbor pull sqlchat

# SQL Chat relies on OpenAI-compatible model IDs
# So to use with Ollama, model needs to be named accordingly
harbor ollama cp llama3.1:8b gpt-3.5-turbo
# Start the service [--open is optional, to open in browser]
harbor up sqlchat --open

# [Optional] Open the URL in your browser
harbor open sqlchat
# [Optional] See service logs
harbor logs sqlchat

See troubleshooting guide if you encounter any issues.


  • Harbor will pre-configure sqlchat to use Ollama as OpenAI-compatible backend when started together
  • Connection settings for SQL Chat are stored in the browser, so you won't be able to pre-configure them via Harbor
  • When configuring a connection - sqlchat runs within docker, so localhost will refer to the docker container, not your host machine
    • On MacOS/Windows - use host.docker.internal
    • On Linux - use
  • SQL Chat relies on OpenAI-compatible model IDs, so ensure to use the correct model name when configuring the service
    • For Ollama, you can "copy" the model definition to be available with the new ID: harbor ollama cp llama3.1:8b gpt-3.5-turbo


Following options can be set via harbor config:

# The port on the host where SQL Chat endpoint will be available
SQLCHAT_HOST_PORT              34351

# The version (docker image tag) of SQL Chat to use
SQLCHAT_VERSION                latest

# The docker image to use for SQL Chat
SQLCHAT_IMAGE                  sqlchat/sqlchat

# Next Auth Secret for SQL Chat
SQLCHAT_AUTH_SECRET            sk-harbor

Additionally, you can set arbitrary environment variables for SQL Chat according to Harbor's environment configuration guide.

# Example: Set the OpenAI API key
harbor config set OPENAI_API_KEY <your-key>

# Example: Set the OpenAI API endpoint
harbor config set OPENAI_API_ENDPOINT <your-endpoint>
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