Bluetooth LE Gamepad library for the ESP32
This library allows you to make the ESP32 act as a Bluetooth Gamepad and control what it does. E.g. move axes and press buttons
- Button press (14 buttons)
- Button release (14 buttons)
- Axes movement (6 axes (x, y, z, rZ, rX, rY) --> (Left Thumb X, Left Thumb Y, Right Thumb X, Right Thumb Y, Left Trigger, Right Trigger)))
- Point of view hat (d-pad)
- Report optional battery level to host (basically works, but it doesn't show up in Android's status bar)
- Customize Bluetooth device name/manufacturer
- Compatible with Windows
- Compatible with Android (Untested)
- Compatible with Linux (Untested)
- Compatible with MacOS X (Untested)
- Compatible with iOS (Untested)
- (Make sure you can use the ESP32 with the Arduino IDE. Instructions can be found here.)
- Download the latest release of this library from the release page.
- In the Arduino IDE go to "Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Add .ZIP Library..." and select the file you just downloaded.
- You can now go to "File" -> "Examples" -> "ESP32 BLE Gamepad" and select the example to get started.
* This example turns the ESP32 into a Bluetooth LE gamepad that presses buttons and moves axis
* Possible buttons are:
* BUTTON_1 through to BUTTON_14*
* Possible DPAD/HAT switch position values are:
* bleGamepad.setAxes takes the following signed char parameters:
* (Left Thumb X, Left Thumb Y, Right Thumb X, Right Thumb Y, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Hat switch position);
#include <BleGamepad.h>
BleGamepad bleGamepad;
void setup() {
Serial.println("Starting BLE work!");
void loop() {
if(bleGamepad.isConnected()) {
Serial.println("Press buttons 1 and 14. Move all axes to max. Set DPAD to down right.");;;
bleGamepad.setAxes(127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, DPAD_DOWN_RIGHT);
Serial.println("Release button 14. Move all axes to min. Set DPAD to centred.");
bleGamepad.setAxes(-127, -127, -127, -127, -127, -127, DPAD_CENTERED);
There is also Bluetooth specific information that you can use (optional):
Instead of BleGamepad bleGamepad;
you can do BleGamepad bleGamepad("Bluetooth Device Name", "Bluetooth Device Manufacturer", 100);
The third parameter is the initial battery level of your device. To adjust the battery level later on you can simply call e.g. bleMouse.setBatteryLevel(50)
(set battery level to 50%).
By default the battery level will be set to 100%, the device name will be ESP32 BLE Gamepad
and the manufacturer will be Espressif
Credits to T-vK as this library is based on his ESP32-BLE-Mouse library ( that he provided.
Credits to chegewara as the ESP32-BLE-Mouse library is based on this piece of code that he provided.