This is my HackJPS project for 2023. What is it? A RateMyProfessor for middle and high school students, done in a way so that each district could have their own instance running, allowing for a much better integration with students.
This app uses a Django backend that serves as an account system, and a way to manage all teachers added in the system. If you want to see, go to "" and log in with the credentials, username: "admin1", password: "testuser". All teachers are added in the admin panel, and then can be viewed by regular students. All schools are added the same way. However, this could change, allowing for a more automated system, where students can vote if a new teacher has joined the school, or a old one has left.
Teachers are connected to their school, and the school lists all teachers in it. This allows the teacher information page to show what school they teach in, and the school information page to list all teachers that are teaching at their school.
Teachers also contain metadata on what classes they teach, or what grades they teach. This makes it simpler to use the search functionality, as people can find the teacher they are looking for without searching 20 teachers with the last name "Smith".
Lastly, teachers contain reviews, and an average rating. This allows students to write appropriate reviews for their teachers, and allows other students to see what the teacher might be like next year.
Features like verification while creating an account, or a way to verify that you are a member of said city/school district could be added. This would allow for a more secure system, and would protect the privacy of teachers. Also, automated moderation could be added, to prevent spam or inappropriate reviews from being posted. A voting system to add new teachers and schools could also be added, to allow for a more automated system. Lastly, a way to add classes to teachers could be added, to allow for a more specific search.
There is a website called RateMyTeacher. However, I had actually not seen this before starting my project. I think that my project is different, as it is more focused on the school district/city, and allows for a more personalized experience. If a math teacher switches grades, a student could possibly contest that in a voting system, allowing for accurate information to be displayed.
First, you need to install Django. You can do this by running python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
in your terminal. Then,
you need to run python runserver
in the directory with the file. Then, you can go to
"" to view the site. You can also go to "<>:8000/admin"
to view the admin panel. The default username is "admin1" and the default password is "testuser". You can
change this in the admin panel.
You can add a teacher by going to the school_teachers page, and clicking "Add Teacher". You can then fill out the form, and click "Save". You can also add a school by going to the schools page, and clicking "Add School". Keep in mind, reviews is a list field, that takes in many dictionaries like [{"student", "date", "review", "rating"}, ...]
That button adds a review to the teacher by appending it to their teacher.comments list, allowing it to be displayed to all students.