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Athena PHP Plugin Build Status

Athena PHP Plugin is a plugin for Athena, that provides a PHP environment for you to execute and create different types of tests, and provides a fluent interface to short-cut and ease test development for PHP.

For Tests that require Selenium and/or Proxy you also need to install the Athena Selenium Plugin and/or Athena Proxy Plugin.

Main Features

  • Supported Testing types :
    • API (using BDD or classic approach)
    • Browser (using BDD or classic approach)
    • Unit
    • Lint
    • Checkstyle
    • Complexity
  • Parallelism
  • Reports with Screenshots for when using Selenium driver (HTML)
  • Reports with HTTP transanctions exposed (HTML)
  • And many many more...

How to Install ?

On Linux

  • Using apt-get :
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:athena-oss/athena
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install athena-plugin-php


$ brew tap athena-oss/tap
$ brew install plugin-php


$ athena plugins install php

Read the Documentation on using Athena Plugin PHP.


API Tests

namespace Tests;

use Athena\Athena;
use Athena\Test\AthenaAPITestCase;

class HttpBinTest extends AthenaAPITestCase
    public function testIpEndpoint_PerformGetRequest_ShouldContainOrigin()
        $result = Athena::api()

        $this->assertArrayHasKey('origin', $result);

Browser Tests


 public function testGoogle_WaitForElementExistenceAndClick_ShouldShowResultsPage()


Browser Tests - BDD

Defining the feature scenario

Feature: Anonymous User performs a search

  As a Anonymous User
  I want to perform a search for a string
  So that I can get a list of results related with my search

  Scenario: Searched string returns results
    Given the current location is the home page
    When the Anonymous User writes "athena" in the search box
    And the Anonymous User performs a click in the search button
    Then the current location should be results page



     * @Given /^the current location is the home page$/
    public function theCurrentLocationIsTheHomePage()
        $this->currentLocation = $this->browser->get('');
     * @When /^the Anonymous User writes "([^"]*)" in the search box$/
    public function theAnonymousUserWritesInTheSearchBox($arg1)
     * @Given /^the Anonymous User performs a click in the search button$/
    public function theAnonymousUserPerformsAClickInTheSearchButton()
     * @Then /^the current location should be results page$/
    public function theCurrentLocationShouldBeResultsPage()
        PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringEndsWith("#q=athena", Athena::browser()->getCurrentURL());


Using the plugin on the cli

$ athena php


usage: athena php <command> [<args...>]

These are the available commands for plugin [php]:
	api        Run api tests.
	bdd        Run behaviour driven tests.
	browser    Run browser tests.
	cleanup    Removes vendor related stuff.
	composer   Run Composer.
	lint       Check files for syntax errors.
	phpcs      Analyse code smells against a custom or existing rule-set.
	phpmd      Run mess detector tests
	self-test  Executes tests to the built-in functionalities.
	unit       Run unit tests.

Running Functional tests that require a Proxy and Selenium

  • Start the proxy
athena proxy start
  • Start the Selenium Hub
athena selenium start hub latest
  • Start the Selenium Browser
athena selenium start firefox latest