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Setup a sweet VS Code development environment for your `create-react-app` project – ludicrously fast ⚡️⚡️⚡️


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🎨 Automatic linting and formatting with ESlint and Prettier in VS Code

🚦PropTypes for run-time type checking [optional]

🎭️ Faker.js for fake data [optional]

🤡 A local mock API server [optional]

🔄 Axios to make HTTP requests [optional]

🌊 Tailwind for utility-first CSS [optional]


  1. Create a new react app

    npx create-react-app my-app
  2. Navigate to your app directory where you want to include this style configuration.

    cd my-app
  3. Run this command inside your app's root directory. Note: this command executes the bash script without needing to clone the whole repo to your local machine.

    exec 3<&1;bash <&3 <(curl 2> /dev/null)
  4. Follow the prompts and make selections for your preference of package manager (npm or yarn), file format (.js or .json), max-line size, an express server to mock an API, Tailwind CSS setup, prop-types installation, faker installation, and axios installation.

  5. Look in your project's root directory and notice the newly added/updated config files/folders:

    • .eslintrc.js (or .eslintrc.json) - eslint config file
    • .prettierrc.js (or .prettierrc.json) - prettier config file
    • .vscode/settings.json - editor settings for the current workspace
    • The following will be seen if the option to setup a mock API express server was selected
      • mock-api/app.js - The entry point for your mock API server
    • The following will be seen if the option to setup tailwind css was selected
      • tailwind.config.js - An empty tailwind config
      • postcss.config.js - PostCSS config
      • src/tailwind.css - The entry point for PostCSS
      • src/custom-base-styles.css, src/custom-components.css, src/custom-utilities.css - files for your custom css
  6. Start the react app server

    npm run start


ESLint & Prettier

Main packages

  • eslint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
  • prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.

Note: The latest version of eslint supported by create-react-app is installed (currently, ^6.6.0)

Airbnb configuration

ESLint, Prettier Integration

ESLint extension for VS Code (necessary for auto-fix errors on save)

  • ESLint - This extension integrates ESLint into VS Code. It must be installed and enabled manually. The script does not handle the installation.

React stuff

Type checking

  • prop-types - Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects

React extensions for VS Code (recommended)

  • ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets - This extension provides you JavaScript and React/Redux snippets in ES7 with Babel plugin features. It should be installed and enabled manually. The script does not handle the installation.


Fake data

  • faker - Generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser

Mock API server

  • express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
  • connect-api-mocker - Connect middleware that creates mocks for REST APIs

Data fetching

  • axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a PostCSS plugin. The following packages are needed to make it work optimally.



PostCSS plugins

Tailwind CSS extensions for VS Code (recommended)

  • Tailwind CSS Intellisense - this extension adds Tailwind CSS class name completion for VS Code. It should be installed and enabled manually. The script does not handle the installation.

  • Headwind - this extension is an opinionated Tailwind CSS class sorter for Visual Studio Code. It enforces consistent ordering of classes by parsing your code and reprinting class tags to follow a given order. It must be installed and enabled manually. The script does not handle the installation.

NPM stuff

Script runners

  • npm-run-all - A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.

Created Configuration Files

Configuration files are created when you first run the script. You may subsequently edit them to your liking.

Linting with ESLint


What the script initiates:

  "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "extends": [
  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "commonjs": true,
    "es6": true,
    "jest": true,
    "node": true
  "rules": {
    "react/state-in-constructor": ["error", "never"],
    "max-len": [
        "code": (SET BY USER),
        "tabWidth": 2,
        "comments": (SET BY USER),
        "ignoreComments": false,
        "ignoreTrailingComments": true,
        "ignoreUrls": true,
        "ignoreStrings": true,
        "ignoreTemplateLiterals": true,
        "ignoreRegExpLiterals": true
  • If you're curious about the choice made for react/state-in-constructor, it's an opinion I conveniently borrowed from here.
  • For more info, refer the ESLint docs.

Formatting with Prettier


What the script initiates:

  "printWidth": (SET BY USER),
  "singleQuote": true

Two other options that I was used to specifying earlier, but have since Prettier v2, become defaults.

"arrowParens" : "always",
"trailingComma" : "es5"
  • To know what each option does and for more options, refer the Prettier docs

Auto-fix in Visual Studio Code


  • eslint extension settings
  • emmet support in jsx
  "eslint.packageManager": (SET BY USER),
  "eslint.format.enable": true,
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint",
  "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "emmet.includeLanguages": {
    "javascript": "javascriptreact"
  • IMPORTANT: This ESLint extension mast be installed and enabled in your workspace.
  • Disable the VS Code Prettier plugin in your workspace, if you have it enabled. Code will be both auto-formatted and auto-linted on save by the ESLint extension.

Mocking a REST API with Express & Connect API Mocker


const express = require('express');
const apiMocker = require('connect-api-mocker');

const port = 9000;
const app = express();

app.use('/api', apiMocker('mock-api'));

console.log(`Mock API Server is up and running at: http://localhost:${port}`);
  • Refer this post for a detailed breakdown of the what and how of this set up
  • For more information, refer connect-api-mocker docs

Functional CSS with Tailwind


const purgecss = require('@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss')({
  content: [

  defaultExtractor: (content) => {
    const broadMatches = content.match(/[^<>"'`\s]*[^<>"'`\s:]/g) || [];
    const innerMatches = content.match(/[^<>"'`\s.()]*[^<>"'`\s.():]/g) || [];

    return broadMatches.concat(innerMatches);

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    require('postcss-preset-env')({ stage: 1 }),
    ...(process.env.REACT_APP_ENV === 'production' ? [purgecss] : []),


module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  variants: {},
  plugins: [],


/* purgecss start ignore */
@import "tailwindcss/base";
@import "./custom-base-styles.css";

@import "tailwindcss/components";
@import "./custom-components.css";
/* purgecss end ignore */

@import "tailwindcss/utilities";

/* purgecss start ignore */
@import "./custom-utilities.css";
/* purgecss end ignore */

Files for your custom CSS: src/custom-base-styles.css, src/custom-components.css, src/custom-utilities.css

Note: A file named tailwind.generated.css will be auto-generated in the src directory when you start or build the app. This is the main tailwind CSS file which is imported in index.js. Do not manipulate this file directly. Also since, it is auto-generated from your source CSS, it should not be committed to source control (a corresponding entry in .gitignore is made by the script).

Origin Story

This script started out as a fork of another script I stumbled upon - eslint-prettier-airbnb-react, while learning React with a desire for an enhanced DX - automatic fixing of lint errors, formatting with prettier - the works.

So I began to tinker with the aforementioned script, to make it play well with create-react-app in Visual Studio Code (the editor I've settled on).

As the amount of stuff the script did eventually grew, and its coupling with create-react-app and Visual Studio Code became tighter, it felt like this should be its own thing.

Prior Art

Without these shoulders to stand on, this project would not have seen the light of day.

[1]: Paulo Ramos's eslint-prettier-airbnb-react script

[2]: Jeffrey Zhen's tutorial which inspired [1]

[3]: Harvey Delaney's post and companion repo on setting up a local mock API

[4]: Dave Ceddia's post on using Tailwind CSS with create-react-app