spamooor is a simple tool that can be used to generate various types of random transactions for astria testnets.
This is a fork of . It is a modification of the original spamoor tool to work with Astria load testing pipelines to test Astria EVM.
spamooor provides a command:
: Tool for spamming txs on the network
Or build it yourself:
git clone
cd spamooor
go build ./cmd/spamooor
is a tool for spamming an EVM with a lot of transactions.
Usage of spamooor:
-p, --privkey string The private key of the wallet to send funds from.
-h, --rpchost stringArray The RPC host to send transactions to (multiple allowed).
--rpchost-file string File with a list of RPC hosts to send transactions to.
-s, --seed string The child wallet seed.
-v, --verbose Run the tool with verbose output.
The tool provides multiple scenarios, that focus on different aspects of blob transactions. One of the scenarios must be selected to run the tool:
This sends out a lot of EOAs (Externally Owned Accounts) transactions to the network.
Usage of spamooor combined:
Required (at least one of):
-c, --count uint Total number of transactions to send
-t, --throughput uint Number of transactions to send per block time
--amount uint Transfer amount per transaction (in gwei) (default 20)
--basefee uint Max fee per gas to use in transfer transactions (in gwei) (default 20)
--max-pending uint Maximum number of pending transactions
--max-wallets uint Maximum number of child wallets to use
-p, --privkey string The private key of the wallet to send funds from.
--random-amount Use random amounts for transactions (with --amount as limit)
--random-target Use random to addresses for transactions
-s, --seed string The child wallet seed.
-t, --throughput uint Number of transfer transactions to send per slot
--timeout uint Number of seconds to wait before timing out the test (default 120)
--tipfee uint Max tip per gas to use in transfer transactions (in gwei) (default 2)
--trace Run the script with tracing output
-v, --verbose Run the script with verbose output
This sends out a lot of ERC20 Txs transactions to the network. Options are the same as for spamooor eoatx
This sends out a lot of gas burner transactions to the network. Options are the same as for spamooor eoatx
There is one extra optional parameter:
--gas-units-to-burn uint The number of gas units for each tx to cost
This sends out a lot of Uniswap V2 ETH/DAI swaps transactions to the network. Options are the same as for spamooor eoatx
The directions of the swap is selected randomly.
--dai-mint-amount uint The amount of Dai to mint for each child wallet
--amount-to-swap uint The amount of Eth/Dai to swap in each tx
--random-amount-to-swap bool Whether to use random amounts to swap
The below command sends 1000 EOA transactions with a throughput of 10 transactions per block time. The amount sent with each transaction is 20 gwei, the base fee is 20 gwei, the tip fee is 2 gwei, the maximum number of pending transactions is 1000, and the maximum number of child wallets is 1000.
./spamooor eoatx -p <private_key> --rpc-host http://localhost:8545 -c 1000 -t 10 --amount 20 --basefee 20 --tipfee 2 --max-pending 1000 --max-wallets 1000
The below command sends 1000 ERC20 transactions with a throughput of 10 transactions per block time. The amount of each transaction is 20 gwei, the base fee is 20 gwei, the tip fee is 2 gwei, The maximum number of child wallets is 1000.
./spamooor erctx -p <private_key> --rpc-host http://localhost:8545 -c 1000 -t 10 --amount 20 --basefee 20 --tipfee 2 --max-pending 1000 --max-wallets 1000
The below command sends 1000 gas burner transactions with a throughput of 10 transactions per block time. The amount of each transaction is 20 gwei, the base fee is 20 gwei, the tip fee is 2 gwei, Each transaction costs approximately 1000 gas units, the maximum number of pending transactions is 1000, and the maximum number of child wallets is 1000.
./spamooor gasburnertx -p <private_key> --rpc-host http://localhost:8545 -c 1000 -t 10 --amount 20 --basefee 20 --tipfee 2 --max-pending 1000 --max-wallets 1000 --gas-units-to-burn 1000
The below command sends 1000 Uniswap V2 ETH/DAI swaps transactions with a throughput of 10 transactions per block time. The base fee of each tx is 20 gwei, the tip fee is 2 gwei, The maximum number of pending transactions is 1000, the maximum number of child wallets is 1000, each child wallet is minted 1 Dai, and each transaction swaps 20 Eth/Dai or 20 Dai/Eth(chosen randomly).
./spamooor univ2tx -p <private_key> --rpc-host http://localhost:8545 -c 1000 -t 10 --basefee 20 --tipfee 2 --max-pending 1000 --max-wallets 1000 --dai-mint-amount 1 --amount-to-swap 20 --random-amount-to-swap