Currently we support the following features :
- Authentication and Authorization with OTP Verification
- Social Login with Google OAuth2
- CRUD on User's Profile
- CRUD on Blog Posts
- Rich Text Editor(using CKEditor) with Media Files Storage(using Cloudinary)
- Search Blogs
- Categories and Tags Filters
- Create Series of Blogs
- Like/Dislike/Comment/Reply/Share on Blog Posts
- Follow/Unfollow Users
- Show Notifications on Follow, Like and Comment
- Twitter Bot to tweet about posts published on website as well as retweet and like user's post (if they share it on Twitter)
- Digests(Newsletter) Subscription/Unsubscription
- Public API and RSS Feed Support
Frontend: HTML, CSS(+ Bootstrap 4), JavaScript
Backend: Python/Django
Database: PostgreSQL
And additional requirements are in requirements.txt or Pipfile.
- Black Jack - Exercism Solution
- Statistically Proven Ways to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate
- chr() function in Python
- FastAPI Headers implementation
- How to send automatic birthday wishes on WhatsApp?
- Base URL:
refers to the Post ID.- Base URL for
- Post URL can be built as:<post_id>/<post_slug>
Endpoint for all posts:
- Accepts GET Request
- Returns JSON Response as:
[ { "model": "", "pk": 92, "fields": { "title": "Your title here", "seo_overview": "Your post overview here", "slug": "post-slug-here", "content": "Your post content here", "timestamp": "2022-02-22T02:43:40.770Z", "author": "Ashutosh Krishna", "thumbnail": "media/blog/thumbnails/R_xjlzdd", "categories": "CategoryName", "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"] } } ]
- To limit the number of posts, use
in the URL.
returns the latest 3 posts on iRead.
Endpoint for posts for specific category:
- Accepts GET Request
- Replace
with correct category slug - Category Slug can be found on any category page. For example, when you visit the Web Development category page, the URL of the page is:
. So the<category-slug>
. - JSON response looks same as above.
- To limit the number of posts for a category, use
in the URL.
returns the latest 3 Web Development posts on iRead.
Endpoint for posts for specific tag:
- Accepts GET Request
- Replace
with correct tag name - Tag Name can be found on any Tag page. For example, when you visit the DevInceptCommunity tag page, the URL of the page is:
. So the<tag-name>
. - JSON response looks same as above.
- To limit the number of posts for a tag, use
in the URL.
returns the latest 3 posts on iRead with the tag #DevInceptCommunity.
Endpoint for posts for a user:
- Accepts GET Request
- Replace
with your username. - JSON response looks same as above.
- To limit the number of posts by user, use
in the URL.
returns the latest 3 posts by that user on iRead.
Endpoint for a single post:
- Accepts GET request
- Replace
with the Post ID and<slug>
with the slug of the post. - JSON response looks same as above.
- iRead Posts RSS Feed URL:
- User Posts RSS Feed URL:<username>
- You can also find the RSS Feed in your profile if you're logged in.
Fork the Repository.
Clone the repository to your local machine
$ git clone<your-github-username>/iRead.git
Change directory to iRead
$ cd iRead
Add a reference to the original repository
$ git remote add upstream
Install venv
$ pip3 install venv
Create a virtual environment
$ python -m venv env
Activate the env:
$ source env/bin/activate
(for linux)> ./env/Scripts/activate
(for Windows PowerShell) -
Install the requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a new file in the root directory of the repository (
) with name.env
and not.env.txt
) and add the following content in it:DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY=ss)143p*@)jxwzge9-i26c40_9*r%p1l0&_*nlr-_*m+op#2^w DB_NAME=blog DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=postgres DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 EMAIL_HOST_USER='' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='password' CLOUD_NAME='cloudinary-cloud-name' API_KEY='cloudinary-api-key' API_SECRET='cloudinary-api-secret' GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID='google-key' GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET='google-secret' TWITTER_API_KEY='twitter-api-key' TWITTER_API_SECRET_KEY='twitter-api-secret-key' TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN='twitter-access-token' TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET='twitter-access-token-secret' REDIS_URL=redis:// REVUE_API_KEY='revue-api-here'
or, just copy the
file fromsamples
directory to the root directory (iRead
) and rename it to.env
and not.env.txt
Note : You can also use Pipenv for virtual enviroment. You can find few related commands here.
directory to the root directory (iRead
) and rename it todb.sqlite3
. -
Make migrations
$ python makemigrations
Migrate the changes to the database
$ python migrate
Create admin
$ python createsuperuser
Run the server
$ python runserver
- Always keep your master branch in sync with the main repository (by running
$ git pull upstream master
on your local master branch). - Always create a new branch before making any changes (
$ git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
), never ever make any changes directly on the master branch.
- If you wish to contribute kindly check the🤝
- If you are completely new to Open Source, read the Instructions.
- Please follow the CODE OF CONDUCT