The aim of this project is to able to fetch the Option chain data available from NSE API and use it to plot open interest data for analysis.
Why do this when there are so many alternatives ?
- Showcase my python skills learnt during sabbatical
- Opstra free account OI data is 15 mins delayed
- Didnot want to pay :) for this service
- Work with slowest internet connection
- Provides ability to use and make data as per my usage
Step 1: Clone
Clone the project/repository into desired folder
git clone
Step 2. Get Python
Python 3.10.x (Tested)
Setup help for windows ( environment variables and MAX PATH limitations)
Most Linux distributions have python installed by default
Step 3. Install required Python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step A : Launch program
In case python is added to environment variables it can be directly used in command line at any folder level.
Navigate into the folder in which the repo is cloned
Step B : Main Window
If everything is done perfectly so far there will be a window that appears as below
Step C : Choose Index
Choose the index by clicking and selecting from available dropdown
Step D : Load Index
Press Load Button Below as indicated in image
Step E : Auto Download Index Option Chain
In background program fetches the optiona data from API
Step F : Expiry Screen
Window will update to show the spot value of selected index in previous steps and present dropdown to select the expiry date to load
Step G : Choose Expiry Data
Choose the expiry date by clicking and selecting from available dropdown
Step H : Load Expiry Data
Press Load Button Below as indicated in image
Final Step : Open Interest data is plotted
Open Interest data for selected Index and Expiry date is presented with resized screen for study
- Add functionality to change indexes and expiry dates without relaunching program
- Add time and date
- Ability to refresh by click / (Auto refresh every 5 mins)