Full-Stack Developer
- Dubai
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Next.js project using AI tools as SaaS with TypeScript, shadcn/ui, zustand, Stripe, Crisp chat, Planetscale for MySQL DB, and Clerk authentication.
Starter files, final projects, and FAQ for my Ultimate React course
The leader board website displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. All data is preserved thanks to the external Leader board API service.This project …
WALLET is an Ruby on Rails mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on w…
This is a blog app which uses Ruby on Rails for backend and allows users to read peoples posts and comments and allows people who sign up to add their posts and comment as well as like others posts…
SmartBudget is a mobile web application where users can manage their budget: users have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that users can see how much money they spent and on what.
This is a single-page application (SPA) built with ReactJS and Redux using data from the HP Characters API. The application allows the user to see and search different HP characters on the home pag…
This is a React WebApp with the real live data from the SpaceX API. The application will allow users to book rockets and join selected space missions. Built with JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux and CSS3
This is a To-Do list website that enables the user to list the tasks. It is possible to add, edit, and delete each task and clear all tasks completed. It is built with HTML & CSS, JavaScript, and W…
This is my first Microverse capstone project about a summit on improving memory. This project consists of four sections and a link to an about page. Some animation and transitions have been added u…
This is a single-page web application. In this application, the user can add, remove and display books. The modules have been used to implement these functionalities. In addition, the Date class ha…
Math Magician, created using React, is a web application designed to facilitate math learning and practice. The application features a calculator and displays random quotes to provide an engaging e…
Stay a while is a Home Stay reservation web app built with React, Redux (frontend), and Ruby on Rails (backend). Users can easily reserve, delete, and create home stays. The website showcases liste…
rbhatt1999 / Space-Hub
Forked from gauravgangwarweb/Space-HubSpace-Hub is an interactive platform designed for space exploration enthusiasts. It provides comprehensive information about various SpaceX rockets and missions. Developed using React and Redux, th…
Stay A While Frontend holds the front-end development source React-Redux app that allows users to reserve an apartment or home.
The Recipe app is a Rails application which keeps track of all your recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It will allow you to save ingredients, keep track of what you have, create recipes, and gene…
This is a console app that will help you to keep a record of different types of things you own: books, music albums, movies, and games. Everything will be based on the UML class diagram presented b…
In this Project, we have worked with the real live data from the SpaceX API. Our task is to build a web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The …
This project is a demo website for a boot-camp inspired by a design by Cindy Shin. It is mainly built with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS
This React capstone project is about building a mobile web application to check a list of country metrics.The project is a single-page application (SPA) built with React and Redux. The data retriev…
Finance-app is built with React and Redux, leveraging the power of these technologies to provide users with real-time stock prices and analysis for US companies. The application seamlessly integrat…
Budget App is a comprehensive application built using Ruby on Rails, designed to streamline transaction management. With its user-friendly interface, the app allows users to effortlessly organize t…
An online library for adding and removing a different number of books from a user collection, keeping track of the books you've read and the one's you are yet to read
A simple to-do list application that helps to organize your daily tasks and keep track of the task you have completed and the task you are yet to have completed, and also deleting the completed tas…
The IMAA Show is an annual event in the India that is organized by the INDIAN MUSIC ASSOCIATION (IMA), which describes it as the India’s largest trade-only event for the music products, pro audio, …
This is my portfolio website built as part of Microverse's project to showcase my skills in HTML5, CSS3, and JAVASCRIPT.
This is a basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list. It also allows users to store data in local storage.It was built using vanilla JavaScript (ES6)
Thanks for checking out my Portfolio. I built this to start showcasing my previous projects. This is an open source project so please feel free to check it out!
Border Radius Previewer is a web application built with Html, CSS, and JavaScript. It is a web app that allows users to preview the border-radius of a box before they can use it by copying the valu…
Leaderboard - a website that shows all scores added by different users. On this website, you can also add your score.