This is a short guide on how to contribute things to ArvanCloudS3.
If you find a bug that you'd like to fix, or a new feature that you'd like to implement then please submit a pull request via GitHub.
If it is a big feature, then make an issue first so it can be discussed.
To prepare your pull request first press the fork button on ArvanClouds3's GitHub page.
Next open your terminal, change directory to your preferred folder and initialise your local arvanclouds3 project:
git clone
cd arvanclouds3
git remote rename origin upstream
# if you have SSH keys setup in your GitHub account:
git remote add origin
# otherwise:
git remote add origin
Finally make a branch to add your new feature
git checkout -b my-new-feature
Follow the guideline for commit messages and then:
git checkout my-new-feature # To switch to your branch
git status # To see the new and changed files
git add FILENAME # To select FILENAME for the commit
git status # To verify the changes to be committed
git commit # To do the commit
git log # To verify the commit. Use q to quit the log
When you are done with that push your changes to Github:
git push -u origin my-new-feature
For run the project install dependencies first:
npm install
Then run project on dev mode:
npm start
For run the project on production mode:
npm run react-build # To build frontend in build folder
electron .
- Build frontend in build folder:
npm run react-build
- Find version of electron from package.json in devDependencies
- Visit
- Download proportional version and extract
- Directory of project must be place in resource/app
- rclone folder must be place in root, Where the electron.exe is located
must be delete if exist- Run electron.exe
- Package the project with a installer software such as Advanced Installer
must be exist and empty- forget
folder - forget
folder node_modules
folder just need main dependenciesnpm install --production
If you are adding a new feature then please update the documentation.