We've moved! In an effort to provide better support for this project, Hashicorp and Okta have helped us make this an official provider. This repo will only be use for historical reference and will be read-only. Please submit new Issues and PRs at Hashicorp.
- Website: https://www.terraform.io
- Mailing list: Google Groups
This provider plugin is maintained by the Terraform team at Articulate. To contribute see here. For more information on how to develop see here. Acceptance tests are no longer run by Travis due to the number of API calls it generates. You must post a passing ACC test screenshot with your PR.
For a more in depth holistic usage demo, see our demo repository here.
This plugin requires two inputs to run: the okta organization name and the okta api token. The okta base url is not required and will default to "okta.com" if left out.
You can specify the inputs in your tf plan:
provider "okta" {
org_name = <okta instance name, e.g. dev-XXXXXX>
api_token = <okta instance api token with the Administrator role>
base_url = <okta base url, e.g. oktapreview.com>
// Optional settings, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_backoff
max_retries = <number of retries on api calls, default: 5>
backoff = <enable exponential backoff strategy for rate limits, default = true>
min_wait_seconds = <min number of seconds to wait on backoff, default: 30>
max_wait_seconds = <max number of seconds to wait on backoff, default: 300>
OR you can specify environment variables:
OKTA_ORG_NAME=<okta instance name, e.g. dev-XXXXXX>
OKTA_API_TOKEN=<okta instance api token with the Administrator role>
OKTA_BASE_URL=<okta base url, e.g. oktapreview.com>
As we build out resources we build concomitant acceptance tests that require use to create resource config that actually creates and modifies real resources. We decided to put these test fixtures to good use and provide them as examples here.
Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/articulate/terraform-provider-okta
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/articulate; cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/articulate
$ git clone git@github.com:articulate/terraform-provider-okta
Enter the provider directory and build the provider. Ensure you have Go Modules enabled, depending on the version of Go you are using, you may have to flip it on with GO111MODULE=on
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/articulate/terraform-provider-okta
$ make build
Example terraform plan:
provider "okta" {
org_name = "dev-XXXXX"
base_url = "oktapreview.com"
resource "okta_user" "blah" {
first_name = "blah"
last_name = "blergh"
There are particular resources and settings that are not exposed on Okta's public API. Please submit an issue if you find one not listed here.
- Org level customization settings.
- API Integrations on predefined SAML SSO applications. An example of this is the AWS SSO app, you can configure all of the app settings but you cannot configure anything under Provisioning -> API Integration. According to Okta adding API support for this is not likely.
- Group profile settings on SAML applications. An example of this is the AWS SSO application group assignment which allows you to configure SAML user roles, for instance, which group gets access to which AWS environment. This is exposed on the GET endpoint of the Application Groups API but is read-only at the moment.
- App User Error
The API returned an error: Deactivate application for user forbidden. Causes: errorSummary: The application cannot be unassigned from the user while their group memberships grant them access, The API returned an error: Deactivate application for user forbidden.. Causes: errorSummary: The application cannot be unassigned from the user while their group memberships grant them access.
This requires manual intervention. A user's access must be "converted" via the UI to group access. Okta does not expose an endpoint for this.
If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (version 1.8+ is required). You'll also need to correctly setup a GOPATH, as well as adding $GOPATH/bin
to your $PATH
To compile the provider, run make build
. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin
$ make build
$ $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-okta
In order to test the provider, you can simply run make test
. The acceptance tests require an API token and a corresponding Okta org, if you use dotenv, you can cp .env.sample .env
and add your Okta settings there, and prefix make test with dotenv
$ make test
In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run make testacc
Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.
$ make testacc
We are striving to build a provider that is easily consumable and eventually can pass the HashiCorp community audit. In order to achieve this end we must ensure we are following HashiCorp's best practices. This can be derived either from their documentation on the matter, or by using a simple well written example as our template.