Unofficial node.js implementation of Banco do Brasil's mobile API
yarn add bb-api
# or
npm install bb-api --save
import BB from 'bb-api';
const bb = new BB();
await bb.login({ branch: 'XXXXX', account: 'XXXXXXX', password: 'XXXXXXXX' });
// Recover balance
const checkingBalance = await bb.checking.getBalance();
// Recover transactions in month
const checkingTransactions = await bb.checking.getTransactions({
year: 2018,
month: 11,
import BB from 'bb-api';
const bb = new BB();
await bb.login({ branch: 'xxxxxx', account: 'xxxxxxx', password: 'xxxxxxxx' });
// Recover savings accounts available (variações, ex: 1, 51, etc)
const savingsAccounts = await bb.savings.getAccounts();
// Recover transactions from savings account in month
const savingsTransactions = await savingsAccounts[0].getTransactions({
year: 2018,
month: 11,
import BB from 'bb-api';
const bb = new BB();
await bb.login({ branch: 'xxxxxx', account: 'xxxxxxx', password: 'xxxxxxxx' });
// Recover list of available credit cards
const creditCards = await bb.creditCard.getCards();
// Recover bills of a credit card (faturas)
const creditCardBills = await creditCards[0].getBills();
// Recover transactions from specific bill
const creditCardTransactions = await creditCardBills[0].getTransactions();
Clone the repository and follow the steps bellow:
To use it via command line just execute the command below, replacing XXXXXs by your credentials:
$ yarn babel-node src/index.js --bbBranch="XXXXX" --bbAccount="XXXXXXX" --bbPassword="XXXXXXXX"
and it will print in console the last data of your account:
checkingBalance: 273.48,
checkingTransactions: [
date: 2018-11-05T02:00:00.000Z,
description: 'Transferido da poupança',
amount: 840.18
date: 2018-11-05T02:00:00.000Z,
description: 'Compra com Cartão',
amount: -10.19
date: 2018-11-05T02:00:00.000Z,
description: 'Transferência enviada 04/11 JOÃO',
amount: -159.18
savingsAccounts: [
variation: 1,
description: 'Poupança Ouro - Variação 1'
variation: 51,
description: 'Poupança Ouro - Variação 51'
savingsTransactions: [
date: 2018-11-16T02:00:00.000Z,
description: 'Juros',
amount: 0.02
date: 2018-11-30T02:00:00.000Z,
description: 'Transferencia Para Conta',
amount: -3.92
creditCards: [
brand: 'VISA',
modality: '74',
cardAccountNumber: '12345678',
cardNumber: '0000123456781111'
brand: 'VISA',
modality: '1',
cardAccountNumber: '12345679',
cardNumber: '0000123456781112'
creditCardBills: [
cardAccountNumber: '12345678',
billId: '123123123',
billDate: '25112018'
cardAccountNumber: '12345678',
billId: '123123124',
billDate: '25102018'
creditCardTransactions: [
type: 'payment',
date: 2018-10-22T03:00:00.000Z,
description: 'PGTO. CASH AG. 1111 000123456 100',
amount: 1000.12
type: 'atSight',
date: 2018-10-10T03:00:00.000Z,
description: 'RESTAURANTE X',
amount: -27
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- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/fooBar
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar
) - Create a new Pull Request