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The ART+COM AG Watchdog is a utility to start, watch and control applications and computer. It has a interface to control its functionality via udp-network packets. It is open-source and available for Windows, Linux and macOS.

Prebuild Windows 32 Bit binary

Build from sources


Checkout watchdog sources

git clone

Build on Windows


Download and install the following packages:

  • Cygwin shell
  • Visual Studio Express 9 2008, 32Bit
  • CMAKE Version 2.8 or higher from
  • get the latest dependencies: PRO60Dependencies-..*-win32.exe
  • get the appropriate asl library: ASL-..*-win32.exe
  • get the appropriate acmake library: AcMake-..*-win32.exe

Build process

Create build target directory:

cd watchdog
mkdir obj
cd obj

Make build scripts using cmake (either for nmake or Visual Studio 9 2008).

Build with Visual Studio 9 2008 IDE

cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" ..
open Watchdog.sln and build it using the IDE

Build with NMake

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..

Build on Linux

Documented is the build process for Ubuntu. If you're using a different Linux derivate the dependencies might be called differently or even other packages needs to be installed. Also you're probably use a different package manager.

Install system dependencies

For Ubuntu:

 sudo apt-get install git build-essential autoconf2.13 cmake libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libglib2.0-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libasound2-dev

Install dependent ART+COM libraries

Checkout the following repositories:

git clone
git clone

Follow the compile and install instruction for acmake and asl which can be found in there repository.

Build process

  1. Create yourself a build directory (you will need one per build configuration)

    cd watchdog
    mkdir -p _builds/release
  2. Configure the build tree (this is the equivalent of ./configure)

    cd _builds/release
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ../../

    CMake looks in the usual install paths for the dependent asl and acmake libraries. If you want to use a current build of asl or acmake instead of the installed one you need to set ASL_DIR and ACMAKE_DIR manually to the location of the build dir of the libraries accordingly. E.g. <build_dir>/lib/[asl|acmake]/cmake.

  3. Build the sources

    make -jX
  4. Install watchdog

    sudo make install

MacOS with Homebrew

We have Homebrew support. This makes installing on MacOS easier than ever!


Add the artcom tap

For watchdog and related projects there is a tap here:

brew tap artcom/y60

Install watchdog

brew install watchdog


The commandline usage: i.e. with windows executable:

'watchdog.exe [--configfile <watchdog.xml>] [--copyright] [--help] [--no_restart] [--revision] [--revisions] [--version] watchdog.XML'

The default configfile will be loaded in current working directoy with name 'watchdog.xml', the parameter '--configfile <watchdog.xml>' will use given configfile. The common watchdog behaviour is to restart application once they exit by any reason, to prevent this use the '--no_restart' flag, which will exit the watchdog after application finish.


All the functions are configured via the xml-configfile, which elements will be explained in detail below.

The smallest possible configuration is this:

<WatchdogConfig logfile="watch.log" watchFrequency="15">
   <Application binary="calc.exe"/>

It will start the application 'calc.exe' check its status every 15 seconds and log all watchdog output to the logfile 'watch.log'.

As an alternative to the Application-node you can configure a SwitchableApplications-node like this:

<SwitchableApplications directory="folder" initial="application_watchdog_file_name_without_extension"/>

'directory' is where other xml-files for each application you want to switch to are located. These xml-Files contain only the Application-node as specified below. You can switch between these applications by sending the switch-command via UDP like this:


where 'switch' is the command specified in the SwitchApplication-node. The application initially started by watchdog is given in the 'initial' attribute of the SwitchableApplications-node.

The full feature set is divided in three categories:

  1. The application startup configuration, timed restart commands and runtime checks, like memory consumption and heartbeat detection.
  2. Systemcommand pre and post application execution and timed computer restart or shutdown
  3. Udpcontrol interface for status and controlling of computer and application

All optional nodes are obsolete, the functionality will be disabled. The notation ${env_var} will evaluate the environment variable and is used in heartbeat_file definition, application binary, arguments and working directory.

The feature set in detail:

Application execution

Full featured application configuration node:

<Application binary="calc.exe" directory="" logFile="calc.log" logFormatter="%Y-%M-%D-%h-%m-%s" windowtitle"Calculator" showWindow="maximized|minimized">
        <!--<EnvironmentVariable name="key"><![CDATA[value]]></EnvironmentVariable>-->

The <Application> root-node defines the app to execute and watch

  • Attributes are as follows:

    • 'binary' - defines the binary filename
    • 'directory' - watchdog changes to this directory before executing app [optional]
    • 'logFile' - watchdog will redirect all stdout and stderr outputs to this filename [optional, Linux/OSX only]
    • 'logFormatter' - add a timestring in this format to the filename, empty string means use default [optional, Linux/OSX only]
    • 'showWindow' - maximized|minimized can be set, default is maximized [optional, Windows only]
    • 'windowtitle' - when set the watchdog tries to find the window with the title and if found gracefully stops or restarts the application. If not set the watchdog by default terminates the application [optional, Windows only]
  • Optional nodes:

    • <Arguments> defines a list of application arguments and has children of <Argument>-nodes with childnode definition of the environment variable with the use of CDATA-definition it is possible to handle specials character easier (i.e. '').

    • <EnvironmentVariables> defines a list of environment variables, that will be set before app executing and has children of <EnvironmentVariable>-nodes with key-value definition of the environment variable with the use of CDATA-definition it is possible to handle specials character easier (i.e. '').

    • <Heartbeat> Heartbeat detection will check the content of a given file and expects the seconds since 1970 in a format like this: <heartbeat secondsSince1970="1332154365"/>

      • <Heartbeat_File> will define the heartbeat file in its childnode.
      • <Allow_Missing_Heartbeats> will define the allowed mssing heartbeat before the watchdog assumes a app to be dead.
      • <Heartbeat_Frequency> will define expected frequency ot the heartbeat in seconds.
      • <FirstHeartBeatDelay> will define delay in seconds, before the heartbeat detection begins (i.e. for a longer app starttime).
    • <WaitDuringStartup> will define a startup time before the app starts

    • <WaitDuringRestart> will define a wait time before the app restarts

    • <RestartTime> will define a time string, at which the apps restarts

    • <RestartDay> will define a day on which the <RestartTime> will be used to restart the app

    • <Memory_Threshold> will define a threshold of free system memory, the undercut of the threshold will lead to a app restart

    • <CheckMemoryTime> will define a threshold of free system memory which will be used with node <CheckTimedMemoryThreshold> to check memory assumption at a given timestamp.

    • <CheckTimedMemoryThreshold> will define a timestamp at which memory-assumption threshold from node <CheckMemoryTime >will be used to check

Systemcommand execution

Full featured systemcommand configuration node:

<AppTerminateCommand ignoreOnUdpRestart="false">

Fully Optional nodes:

  • <RebootTime> will define a timestamp at which the computer will reboot
  • <HaltTime> will define a timestamp at which the computer will shutdown
  • <AppPreTerminateCommand> will define a systemcommand to be executed before the app will be terminated
  • <AppTerminateCommand> will define a systemcommand to be executed after the app terminated
    • attributes:
      • ignoreOnUdpRestart - can be made dependent if the app is restarted via udp or exited internally
  • <PreShutdownCommand> will define a systemcommand to be executed before the computer is shutdown
  • <PreStartupCommand> will define a systemcommand to be executed when the watchdog is started
  • <PreAppLaunchCommand> will define a systemcommand to be executed before the application is launched
  • <PostAppLaunchCommand> will define a systemcommand to be executed when the application has launched

Udpcontrol interface

Full featured Udpcontrol configuration node:

<UdpControl port="2346" returnmessage="false" returnMessagePort="-1">
    <SystemHalt command="halt"/>
    <SystemReboot command="reboot"/>
    <RestartApplication command="restart"/>
    <SwitchApplication command="switch_app"/>
    <StopApplication command="stop"/>
    <StartApplication command="start"/>
    <StatusReport command="status" loadingtime="2"/>
    <ContinuousStatusChangeReport ip="" port="6655"/>

The <UdpControl> root-node enabled the udp control functionality of the watchdog

  • Attributes:

    • 'port' - port the watchdog will listen to
    • 'returnmessage' - flag to toggle if the watchdog will return all messages to the client using the sender port. Default is 'false'
    • 'returnMessagePort' - port the watchdog will return messages to, default (-1 or unset) is incoming port
  • Optional:

    • <IpWhitlelist> defines a list of ip-adresses, for which the watchdog allows udp control and has children of <Ip>-nodes that define the whitelist. If defined only senderhost with the configured ip will be accepted.

    • <SystemHalt> will add the listener to the specified command, if a udp-packet with this content is accepted, the computer will shutdown

    • <SystemReboot> will add the listener to the specified command, if a udp-packet with this content is accepted, the computer will reboot

    • <RestartApplication> will add the listener to the specified command, if a udp-packet with this content is accepted, the watchdog will restart the application

    • <SwitchApplication> will add the listener to the specified command, if a udp-packet with this content is accepted, the watchdog will restart the application with the watchdog-file identified by 'id'.

    • <StopApplication> will add the listener to the specified command, if a udp-packet with this content is accepted, the watchdog will stop the application

    • <StartApplication> will add the listener to the specified command, if a udp-packet with this content is accepted, the watchdog will start the application

    • <StatusReport> will add the listener to the specified command, if a udp-packet with this content is accepted, the watchdog sends back the status of the application [running, loading, terminated]. If the attribute <loadingtime> in seconds is specified, the status loading will be send for the given amount of seconds to simulate loading procedure

    • <ContinuousStatusChangeReport> triggers a continuous status change udp command to given ip and port


the artcom ag watchdog utlility



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Contributors 4
