This is a simple blog web app built using Ruby on Rails. The aim is to get familiar with all the aspects of Rails.
- Clone the project
- run
bundle install
- run
rails db:migrate
- run
rails s
- Initial skeleton
- Create posts using scaffold
- Use rich text editor for the content of post using
- Add validation while creating posts
- Create comments using resource
- Associate post and comment
- Update views to show comments inside relevant post
- Add view to create post
- Add validation while creating comment on a post
- Run migrations
- Change database from Sqlite3 to pg and vice versa
- Add authentication using devise
- Setup login and signup views/links
- Protect modification of post if user is not logged in
- Run tests
- Create post and User association
- Prevent user to update other's posts
- Create comment and User association
- Show name of commented user
- Show current user's posts
- Improve UI for user experience [WIP]
- Create a custom middleware
- Create seeds
- Write custom unit tests
- Data caching