The purpose of this utility is to test HTTP/HTTPS reachability, alert if its down and run a config change. On recovery run another list of config changes.
Jeremy Georges - Arista Networks -
TCPCheck Utility
The purpose of this utility is to test HTTP/HTTPS reachability, alert if its down and run a config change. On recovery run another list of config changes.
Add the following configuration snippets to change the default behavior. Current version supports only one HOST and one port.
daemon TCPCheck
exec /usr/local/bin/TCPCheck
option CHECKINTERVAL value 5
option CONF_FAIL value /mnt/flash/failed.conf
option CONF_RECOVER value /mnt/flash/recover.conf
option FAILCOUNT value 2
option HTTPTIMEOUT value 10
option IPv4 value
option PROTOCOL value https
option TCPPORT value 443
option USERNAME value admin
option URLPATH value /index.html
option PASSWORD value 4me2know
option REGEX value HelloWorld
option VRF value mgmt
no shutdown
Config Option explanation:
- CHECKINTERVAL is the time in seconds to check the HTTP/S Neighbor(s). Default is 5 seconds.
- FAILCOUNT is the number of times/iterations that the neighbor must fail before
declaring the neighbor is down and executing config changes. This parameter is optional. The default is 2.
- IPv4 is the address to check. Mandatory parameter.
- HTTPTIMEOUT is the time in seconds we wait for an HTTP response. Default is 20 seconds.
- PROTOCOL is either http,https. This is a mandatory parameter.
- TCPPORT is the TCP port to use. Only applicable for HTTP/HTTPS. Mandatory parameter.
- USERNAME is the username needed for HTTP request. If not set,
then no username and password is sent.
- PASSWORD is the password used for the HTTP request. If not set, then no password
is used.
- CONF_FAIL is the config file to apply the snippets of config changes. Mandatory parameter.
- CONF_RECOVER is the config file to apply the snippets of config changes
after recovery of Neighbor. Mandatory parameter.
- REGEX is a regular expression to use to check the output of the http response. Mandatory parameter.
- URLPATH is the specific path when forming the full URL. This is optional. Default is just the root '/'.
- VRF is if you want the HTTP requests to use a specific VRF. This is optional. The default VRF will be used if not set.
The CONF_FAIL and CONF_RECOVER files are just a list of commands to run at failure or at recovery. These commands should be full commands just as if you were configuration the switch from the CLI (i.e. not abbreviated commands).
For example the above referenced /mnt/flash/failed.conf file could include the following commands, which would shutdown the BGP neighbor on failure:
router bgp 65001.65500
neighbor shutdown
The recover.conf file would do the opposite and remove the shutdown statement:
router bgp 65001.65500
no neighbor shutdown
This is of course just an example, and your use case would determine what config changes you'd make.
Please note, this uses the EOS SDK eAPI interaction module. You do not need to specify 'enable' and 'configure' in your configuration files, because it automatically goes into configuration mode.
This requires EOS SDK. All new EOS releases include the SDK.
Agent: TCPCheck (running with PID 14743)
Uptime: 0:11:18 (Start time: Sat May 30 17:19:58 2020)
Option Value
------------------- -----------------------
CONF_FAIL /mnt/flash/failed.conf
CONF_RECOVER /mnt/flash/recover.conf
PASSWORD 4me2know
REGEX Arista
URLPATH /explorer.html
VRF mgmt
Data Value
------------------------ -----------------------
CONF_FAIL: /mnt/flash/failed.conf
CONF_RECOVER: /mnt/flash/recover.conf
HealthStatus: UP
IPv4 Address List:
PASSWORD: 4me2know
REGEX: Arista
Status: Administratively Up
URLPATH: /explorer.html
VRF: mgmt
May 30 16:48:45 DC1-SPINE-1 TCPCheck-ALERT-AGENT[12335]: %AGENT-6-INITIALIZED: Agent 'TCPCheck-TCPCheck' initialized; pid=12335
May 30 16:48:45 DC1-SPINE-1 TCPCheck-ALERT-AGENT[12335]: TCPCheck Version 2.3.1 Initialized
After HTTP Host goes down...
May 30 16:49:30 DC1-SPINE-1 TCPCheck-ALERT-AGENT[12335]: Connection Timeout
May 30 16:49:30 DC1-SPINE-1 TCPCheck-ALERT-AGENT[12335]: HTTP HOST is down. Changing configuration.
May 30 16:49:30 DC1-SPINE-1 TCPCheck-ALERT-AGENT[12335]: Applied Configuration changes from /mnt/flash/failed.conf
After Recover of HTTP Host...
May 30 16:49:57 DC1-SPINE-1 TCPCheck-ALERT-AGENT[12335]: HTTP host back up. Changing Configuration.
May 30 16:49:57 DC1-SPINE-1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_E: Enter configuration mode from console by root on UnknownTty (UnknownIpAddr)
May 30 16:49:57 DC1-SPINE-1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by root on UnknownTty (UnknownIpAddr)
May 30 16:49:57 DC1-SPINE-1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_E: Enter configuration mode from console by root on UnknownTty (UnknownIpAddr)
May 30 16:49:57 DC1-SPINE-1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by root on UnknownTty (UnknownIpAddr)
May 30 16:49:57 DC1-SPINE-1 TCPCheck-ALERT-AGENT[12335]: Applied Configuration changes from /mnt/flash/recover.conf
Because newer releases of EOS require a SysdbMountProfile, you'll need two files - and TCPCheck. will need to go to an appropriate location such as /mnt/flash and TCPCheck will need to be placed in /usr/lib/SysdbMountProfiles. The mount profile file name MUST match the python file name. In other words, if you place the mount profile TCPCheck in /usr/lib/SysdbMountProfiles as TCPCheck, then the executable filename must be changed to TCPCheck. The filename (agent name) and mount profile name must be the same.
An RPM has been included that allows you to easily just install TCPCheck as an extension and it takes care of all the file requirements. The RPM also installs the TCPCheck SDK app in /usr/local/bin. This is the preferred distribution method for this extension.
This release has been tested on EOS 4.20.1, 4.20.4, 4.20.5 and 4.24.0. It is NOT currently supported on any releases beyond 4.29+ which transitioned to Python3.
If the agent is continuously crashing it might be caused by invalid characters in the python script. In the syslog outputs or show logging
similar errors could be seen:
Aug 31 02:46:41 switch1 ProcMgr-worker: %PROCMGR-6-PROCESS_TERMINATED: 'TCPCheck' (PID=7319, status=32512) has terminated.
Aug 31 02:46:41 switch1 ProcMgr-worker: %PROCMGR-3-PROCESS_DELAYRESTART: 'TCPCheck' (PID=7319) restarted too often! Delaying restart for 120.0
To troubleshoot further the agent logs should be checked with bash cat /var/log/agents/<agentName>-<pid>.log
(substitute <agentName>-<pid>
with the actual name of the file
If the output is something similar as below, then it means the python script has an invalid \r
which is the Windows carriage return (CR LF)
cat TCPCheck-Rack1-17880
==== Output from /mnt/flash/TCPCheck [] (PID=17880) started Sep 1 15:00:00.00000 ===
/usr/bin/env: 'python\r': No such file or directory
The solution is to convert the file to unix format, this can be done locally on EOS by editing the file with vi
and typing :set ff=unix
, so the steps would be:
- drop down to global configuration mode and shutdown the daemon
daemon TCPCheck shutdown
- go to bash by typing
vi /mnt/flash/TCPCheck
- type
:set ff=unix
- press Enter
- press Esc
- type
- type
to go back to EOS CLI and bring up the daemon again no shutdown
Tip: When using Notepad++ to edit files always convert them to unix format by clicking on Edit - EOL Conversion and select Unix(LF) and save the file.
BSD-3, See LICENSE file