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1. Installation

Miłosz Matkowski edited this page Aug 31, 2024 · 4 revisions
  • Install Editor Toolbox package:
    • 1 way: Find Unity Package Manager (Window/Package Manager) and add package using this git URL:
    • 2 way: Copy and paste Editor Toolbox directory into your project (Assets/...) + add dependencies
    • 3 way: Install via OpenUPM registry:
    openupm add com.browar.editor-toolbox
  • Open Edit/Project Settings/Editor Toolbox window
  • If settings file is not found, press "Refresh" button or create new one
  • Manage settings in your way
    • Enable/disable Hierarchy overlay, choose allowed information
    • Enable/disable Project icons or/and assign own directories
    • Enable/disable Toolbox drawers or/and assign custom drawers


This package is fully IMGUI-based, which means it may conflict with pure UI Toolkit features in your project. Additionally, Toolbox overwrites the 'base' custom Editor for all UnityEngine.Objects, it's a common solution but means that you can't combine other Inspector extensions/plugins.


Unity 2018.x or newer




The most important file, allows the user to manage all available features. Can be accessed from the Project Settings window (Edit/Project Settings.../Editor Toolbox) or directly inside the Project window. Make sure to have one valid settings file per project.

Available features are divided into four groups:

  • Hierarchy
  • Project
  • Inspector
  • SceneView

Each module is described in its respective section.

If you want to keep your custom settings between UET versions, create your own settings file:

Create/Editor Toolbox/Settings


If you are getting warnings related to the current settings state, it most likely means that some features are not present in your Unity version. I suggest creating your own settings file and adjusting potential issues. Generally, it's always better to use a custom settings file rather than the default one. I'm planning to replace the ScriptableObject-based solution in the future, so it won't be a problem anymore.

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