This project is a Node.js and TypeScript application that fetches user data from GitHub and stores it in a PostgreSQL database. The application can display user data, list all stored users, and filter users based on location or programming languages using the command-line options. The database migration was setup using Knex.
- Fetch user data from GitHub using the username. It will display name, location, followers, following and programming languages which the candidates is proficient.
- Stores user fetched data from GitHub in a PostgreSQL database.
- Display all stores users on the database.
- Filter users by location or programming language.
Refer to to install node.js on your machine.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd github-users-node-project
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Setup PostgreSQL database:
- Create a
file in the root of the project with the following content:DB_HOST=your_db_host DB_PORT=your_db_port DB_USER=your_db_user DB_PASSWORD=your_db_password DB_NAME=your_db_name
- Create a new database called
on PostgreSQL. - Run database migrations on the command line:
npx knex migrate:latest --env development
- Create a
- Fetch and store a GitHub user's data:
npm run start-dev fetch <username>
- Display all users:
npm run start-dev list
- Filter users from a specific location:
npm run start-dev location <location>
- Filter users using a specific programming language:
npm run start-dev language <language>
The PostgreSQL database schema includes a users table with the following columns:
- id (Primary key)
- name (String, not nullable)
- location (String, nullable)
- following (Integer, not nullable)
- followers (Integer, not nullable)
- languages (Array of text)
- GitHub external API: Used to fetch user data and repository languages. You may need to provide an access token if you encounter rate limits.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime used to run the application.
- TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript that adds static typing.
- pg-promise: Library for interfacing with PostgreSQL.
- knex: SQL query builder for Node.js, used for database migrations.
- node-fetch: Library for making HTTP requests.
- dotenv: Library for loading environment variables from a
file. - eslint: Pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- @types/node: TypeScript definitions for Node.js.
- nodemon: Utility that monitors for changes in the code and automatically restarts the server.
- ts-node: TypeScript execution environment for Node.js.