This project automatically updates your firewall configuration to allow access from various CDN networks. You can run the script manually or schedule it to update the rules regularly.
Run the script and choose your CDN and firewall from the list:
bash <(curl -sSkL
After running the script, you will see prompts similar to:
Select a CDN to add IPs:
1) cloudflare
2) iranserver
3) arvancloud
CDN: [Enter your choice]
Select a firewall to add IPs:
1) UFW
2) CSF
3) firewalld
4) iptables
5) ipset+iptables
6) nftables
Firewall: [Enter your choice]
You can also pass the CDN and firewall names directly as arguments:
bash <(curl -sSkL cloudflare ufw
To keep your firewall rules updated automatically, you can create a cron job. For example:
- Update UFW rules every 6 hours:
0 */6 * * * bash <(curl -sSkL cloudflare ufw >/dev/null 2>&1
- Update CSF rules every day at 1:00 AM:
0 1 * * * bash <(curl -sSkL arvancloud csf >/dev/null 2>&1
- cloudflare
- arvancloud
- iranserver
- firewalld
- iptables
- ipset+iptables
- nftables
If your firewall is not listed, you can open an issue or submit a pull request to add support.
For a Farsi version of this document, please see فارسی.