Changelog for ArcoMage HD
Summary of changes for major & minor releases. For detailed changes, click the version number links below to view a comparison containing a list of git commit messages, or check the issue & PR pages.
To ensure you're using the latest version, open the game and press Ctrl + F5 to clear the cache and reload the webpage.
v1.5.0 (2025-02-25) (in beta testing phase)
- Major Library changes
- Major Upgrade: React 19, Redux 5, RxJS 7.8, etc.
- Removed: Webpack and related libs, Yarn, JSS, Jest and related libs, Enzyme, Testing Library, MUI, Husky, commitlint, Howler, classnames/clsx, copy-to-clipboard, some eslint plugins, ts-node, some polyfills (including pwacompat),etc.
- Added: Bun, Vite, React Compiler, etc.
- Automatic update (and/or showing notification) of the game in PWA or non PWA
- Full control with mouse, touch device, keyboard, or gamepad 🖱️📱⌨️🎮 (instructions) (gamepad has basic support and is not fully finished)
- At game end screen, show reasons for win/loss/draw, add "Review cards" button
- Add scroll bar in window, window layout issue in mobile
- Optimization of: AnimatedNumber (rewritten), Tower/Wall/Resource/ResourceProd/Card anim and rerenders, tooltip (rewritten), debounced number input (rewritten), lang change, remove useless code in bundle, etc.
- LTR / Arabic support
- Fix some bugs including a window load bug and others
- Fixes and improvements to accessibility (a11y)
- Button & tooltip color change
- CI update, replaced husky git hooks with custom script
- Docs update
- Easter egg when clicking on birds
- And more (issue list; PR list)
- Fix for iOS 13+ long press to discard a card, landscape notice
- Disable animation, bold font options
- All cards unusable, victory condition tooltips
- Updated many dependent libraries (but not all to the latest versions)
- PWA update from network
- And more (issue list; PR list)
- Added more visual options
- Introduced stereo audio panning
- And more (issue list; PR list)
- UX/UI improvements and bug fixes
- Updated to rxjs 7
- I18N improvements (+ Ukrainian)
- And more (issue list; PR list)
- AI level adjustments
- Added Pixelation Mode
- I18N improvements (+ Japanese)
- And more (issue list; PR list)
- Basic features implemented
- Mobile screen adaptation
- PWA support
- Added manual image
- Implemented multiplayer mode
- Bug fixes
- I18N improvements (+ Czech, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian)
- And more (issue list; PR list)
v1.0.0-beta.1 (2021-04-01)
- Very basic unstable version
- I18N (English, French, German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese)
- And more (issue list; PR list)