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File metadata and controls

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🖱️ Button or Action Function
Left click Use card, click button, toggle checkbox, etc.
Right click Discard card
Wheel up/down Increase/decrease number when hovering over number input element in preferences settings
Hover over some elements Display tooltip

Touch Device

📱 Action Function
Press Use card, click button, toggle checkbox, etc.
Long press Discard card, display tooltip for some elements


(Italic text indicates keyboard keys supported natively by browser. Support for others are added by ArcoMage HD.)

General Keys

⌨️ Key Function
Enter / Space Use card, click button, etc.
Delete / Backspace Discard card
Shift + Tab Select the previous card, button, or other clickable element
Tab (or Option (Alt) + Tab in Safari) Select the next card, button, or other clickable element
Select the previous card or top-bar button, can only use when no window (settings) is open
Select the next card or top-bar button, can only use when no window (settings) is open
Select the first top-bar button, can only use when no window (settings) is open
Select the first card, can only use when no window (settings) is open
Esc Exit current window (with fullscreen mode disabled), or exit fullscreen mode (if the mode is enabled)

Form Element

In settings window, when a form element / input element is selected, you can use widely known keys like Delete, Backspace, , . The following keys are also supported:

⌨️ Key Function Element Type
Enter / Space Toggle checkbox Checkbox
/ Increase/decrease Number input
/ Increase Range input
/ Decrease Range input

Access Keys

The way to activate the accesskey depends on the browser and its platform, it's "Alt + key" in Chrome Windows/Linux, it could be other key instead of Alt in other browsers.

⌨️ Key Function
Alt + 1 ... 9 Use the 1st ... 9th card. If unusable, then select this card. 1 ≤ n ≤ 9, you can't use the 10th or later cards with access key
Alt + P Open Preferences
Alt + L Open Language
Alt + S Open Sound & Graphics
Alt + F Toggle Fullscreen
Alt + H Open Help
Alt + G Open GitHub
Alt + X Exit current window
Alt + A Apply & New Game (in Preferences)
Alt + R Reset settings (in Preferences / Sound & Graphics)
Alt + O Restore original visual settings. This can be used anywhere—if you accidentally set the game's visuals too dark to see anything, press this hotkey combination to reset them
Alt + c Review/hide cards in game end screen


🎮 Button (Xbox) 🎮 Button (PlayStation) Function
A Use card, click button, toggle checkbox, etc.
B Discard card, exit current window
X Select the previous card
Y Select the next card
Left Bumper (LB) L1 Select the previous card, button, or other clickable element
Right Bumper (RB) R1 Select the next card, button, or other clickable element
Left Trigger (LT) L2 Not yet implemented (During virtual keyboard mode ⌨️) Select the previous key (button) in the virtual keyboard
Right Trigger (RT) R2 Not yet implemented (During virtual keyboard mode ⌨️) Select the next key (button) in the virtual keyboard
Start Options Open Preferences
Back Share / Select Not yet implemented Exit hand cursor 👆 mode
Left Stick 🕹 Same as Xbox Not yet implemented Show and move a hand cursor 👆
Right Stick 🕹 Same as Xbox Not yet implemented Show and move a hand cursor 👆 (fast movement)
Left Stick 🕹 Click Same as Xbox Not yet implemented Hand cursor 👆 left click
Right Stick 🕹 Click Same as Xbox Not yet implemented Hand cursor 👆 right click
D-Pad Up 🔼 Same as Xbox Select the previous card or top-bar button when no window (settings) is open, or in Text / Number / Range inputs / Option Select
D-Pad Down 🔽 Same as Xbox Select the next card or top-bar button when no window (settings) is open, or in Text / Number / Range inputs / Option Select
D-Pad Left ◀️ Same as Xbox Select the first top-bar button when no window (settings) is open, or in Text / Number / Range inputs / Option Select
D-Pad Right ▶️ Same as Xbox Select the first card when no window (settings) is open, or in Text / Number / Range inputs / Option Select
Guide (Xbox) PS Not yet implemented Show/hide virtual keyboard ⌨️ when focused on Text/Number inputs