🖱️ Button or Action |
Function |
Left click |
Use card, click button, toggle checkbox, etc. |
Right click |
Discard card |
Wheel up/down |
Increase/decrease number when hovering over number input element in preferences settings |
Hover over some elements |
Display tooltip |
📱 Action |
Function |
Press |
Use card, click button, toggle checkbox, etc. |
Long press |
Discard card, display tooltip for some elements |
(Italic text indicates keyboard keys supported natively by browser. Support for others are added by ArcoMage HD.)
⌨️ Key |
Function |
Enter / Space |
Use card, click button, etc. |
Delete / Backspace |
Discard card |
Shift + Tab |
Select the previous card, button, or other clickable element |
Tab (or Option (Alt) + Tab in Safari) |
Select the next card, button, or other clickable element |
← |
Select the previous card or top-bar button, can only use when no window (settings) is open |
→ |
Select the next card or top-bar button, can only use when no window (settings) is open |
↑ |
Select the first top-bar button, can only use when no window (settings) is open |
↓ |
Select the first card, can only use when no window (settings) is open |
Esc |
Exit current window (with fullscreen mode disabled), or exit fullscreen mode (if the mode is enabled) |
In settings window, when a form element / input element is selected, you can use widely known keys like Delete, Backspace, ←, →. The following keys are also supported:
⌨️ Key |
Function |
Element Type |
Enter / Space |
Toggle checkbox |
Checkbox |
↑ / ↓ |
Increase/decrease |
Number input |
→ / ↑ |
Increase |
Range input |
← / ↓ |
Decrease |
Range input |
The way to activate the accesskey depends on the browser and its platform, it's "Alt + key" in Chrome Windows/Linux, it could be other key instead of Alt in other browsers.
⌨️ Key |
Function |
Alt + 1 ... 9 |
Use the 1st ... 9th card. If unusable, then select this card. 1 ≤ n ≤ 9, you can't use the 10th or later cards with access key |
Alt + P |
Open Preferences |
Alt + L |
Open Language |
Alt + S |
Open Sound & Graphics |
Alt + F |
Toggle Fullscreen |
Alt + H |
Open Help |
Alt + G |
Open GitHub |
Alt + X |
Exit current window |
Alt + A |
Apply & New Game (in Preferences) |
Alt + R |
Reset settings (in Preferences / Sound & Graphics) |
Alt + O |
Restore original visual settings. This can be used anywhere—if you accidentally set the game's visuals too dark to see anything, press this hotkey combination to reset them |
Alt + c |
Review/hide cards in game end screen |
🎮 Button (Xbox) |
🎮 Button (PlayStation) |
Function |
A |
✕ |
Use card, click button, toggle checkbox, etc. |
B |
◯ |
Discard card, exit current window |
X |
▢ |
Select the previous card |
Y |
△ |
Select the next card |
Left Bumper (LB) |
L1 |
Select the previous card, button, or other clickable element |
Right Bumper (RB) |
R1 |
Select the next card, button, or other clickable element |
Left Trigger (LT) |
L2 |
Not yet implemented (During virtual keyboard mode ⌨️) Select the previous key (button) in the virtual keyboard |
Right Trigger (RT) |
R2 |
Not yet implemented (During virtual keyboard mode ⌨️) Select the next key (button) in the virtual keyboard |
Start |
Options |
Open Preferences |
Back |
Share / Select |
Not yet implemented Exit hand cursor 👆 mode |
Left Stick 🕹 |
Same as Xbox |
Not yet implemented Show and move a hand cursor 👆 |
Right Stick 🕹 |
Same as Xbox |
Not yet implemented Show and move a hand cursor 👆 (fast movement) |
Left Stick 🕹 Click |
Same as Xbox |
Not yet implemented Hand cursor 👆 left click |
Right Stick 🕹 Click |
Same as Xbox |
Not yet implemented Hand cursor 👆 right click |
D-Pad Up 🔼 |
Same as Xbox |
Select the previous card or top-bar button when no window (settings) is open, or ↑ in Text / Number / Range inputs / Option Select |
D-Pad Down 🔽 |
Same as Xbox |
Select the next card or top-bar button when no window (settings) is open, or ↓ in Text / Number / Range inputs / Option Select |
D-Pad Left ◀️ |
Same as Xbox |
Select the first top-bar button when no window (settings) is open, or ← in Text / Number / Range inputs / Option Select |
D-Pad Right ▶️ |
Same as Xbox |
Select the first card when no window (settings) is open, or → in Text / Number / Range inputs / Option Select |
Guide (Xbox) |
PS |
Not yet implemented Show/hide virtual keyboard ⌨️ when focused on Text/Number inputs |