This collection of python scripts can be used as a notification daemon for i3bar to display notifications on the status bar.
This program sets up a FIFO in /tmp/i3et to listen for incoming JSON data from either the notification program or i3status. It can also be used to multiplex data from other programs onto the status bar using the format described below.
Listens on the org.freedesktop.Notifications DBus name for DBus notifications and outputs JSON formatted data to the i3et FIFO (/tmp/i3et by default).
The i3et program accepts JSON formatted output in a format similar to that of the i3status program with some enhancements as described below.
Example format: [{"module": "notify"}, {"color": "#ffffff", "_id": "Test", "full_text": "hello", "_display_for": 10}]
module: This parameter identifies a block of output that will be grouped together as a single block on the status bar in the order each subsequent dictionary appears in the JSON list.
_id: Used as unique identity for this output. Subsequent blocks with this identity will overwrite this block.
_display_for: How long (in seconds) to show the output for. After this time the output will be removed from the status bar.