Environment File Storage website with API & frontend
This application is intended to use within dcape project as storage for config files with web frontend. It uses apisite binary and contains only sql and html|js code.
Also this project may be considered as apisite example application which demonstrates:
- template includes
- API interface & docs
- API calls from templates & javascript
This app uses postgresql so you need one of:
- postgresql server
- running postgresql container
- dcape installed
In the first case you should create db and user by yourself, in others - use make docker-db-create
Also this app requires apisite binary which you can get by the following ways:
- make from sources (see install steps here)
- use apisite/apisite docker image
- use apisite/enfist docker image (includes app-enfist sources and all dependensies)
All cases except last require app-enfist sources which might be fetched via git:
git clone --depth=1 --recursive https://github.com/apisite/app-enfist.git
cd app-enfist
To create default config file (named .env) use
make config
If dcape used, set PGHOST=db
and API_SITE=your.hostname
in this file
Create db and user when postgresql runned in docker container:
make docker-db-create
Install app-enfist from sources:
make poma-install
Install app-enfist from apisite/enfist docker image:
docker run enfist make poma-install
See also:
- dcape Makefile - installing enfist within dcape
make deps-local
make run-local
make up
make build-dist
- set/get index form fields via cookies
The MIT License (MIT), see LICENSE.
Copyright (c) 2018 Aleksei Kovrizhkin lekovr+apisite@gmail.com