A simple Python interface for Darius Kazemi's Corpora Project, "a collection of static corpora
(plural of 'corpus') that are potentially useful in the creation of weird
internet stuff." The pycorpora
interface makes it easy to use data from the
Corpora Project in your program. Here's an example of how it works:
import pycorpora import random # print a random flower name print random.choice(pycorpora.plants.flowers['flowers']) # print a random word coined by Shakespeare print random.choice(pycorpora.words.literature.shakespeare_words['words'])
Allison Parrish created the pycorpora
interface. The source code for the package is on GitHub. Contributions are welcome!
Installation by hand:
python setup.py install
Installation with pip:
pip install --no-cache-dir pycorpora
The package does not include data from the Corpora Project; instead, the data
is downloaded when the package is installed (using either of the methods
above). By default, the "master" branch of the Corpora Project GitHub
repository is used as the source for the
data. You can specify an alternative URL to download the data from using the
argument --corpora-zip-url
on the command line with either of the two
methods above:
python setup.py install --corpora-zip-url=https://github.com/dariusk/corpora/archive/master.zip
... or, with pip
pip install pycorpora --install-option="--corpora-zip-url=https://github.com/dariusk/corpora/archive/master.zip"
Alternatively, the CORPORA_ZIP_URL
environment variable can be used for the
same purpose (if both are set, the command line option will take precedence):
env CORPORA_ZIP_URL=https://github.com/dariusk/corpora/archive/master.zip pip install pycorpora
(The intention of --corpora-zip-url
is to let you install Corpora Project
data from a particular branch, commit or fork, so that changes to the bleeding
edge of the project don't break your code. Also, a file://
URL can be used
for a local/vendored zip file.)
Update Corpora Project data by reinstalling with pip:
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pycorpora
Getting the data from a particular Corpora Project file is easy. Here's an example:
import pycorpora crayola_data = pycorpora.colors.crayola print crayola_data["colors"][0]["color"] # prints "Almond"
The expression pycorpora.colors.crayola
returns data deserialized from the
JSON file located at data/colors/crayola.json
in the Corpora Project (i.e.,
this file).
You can use this syntax even with more deeply nested subdirectories:
import pycorpora mr_men_little_miss_data = pycorpora.words.literature.mr_men_little_miss print mr_men_little_miss_data["little_miss"][-1] # prints "Wise"
You can use from pycorpora import ...
to import a particular Corpora Project
from pycorpora import governments print governments.nsa_projects["codenames"][0] # prints "ARTIFICE" from pycorpora import humans print humans.occupations["occupations"][0] # prints "accountant"
You can also use square bracket indexing instead of attributes for accessing subcategories and individual corpora (just in case the Corpora Project ever adds files with names that aren't valid Python identifiers):
import pycorpora import random fruits = pycorpora.foods["fruits"] print random.choice(fruits["fruits"]) # prints "pomelo" maybe
Additionally, pycorpora
supports an API similar to that provided by the Corpora Project node package:
import pycorpora # get a list of all categories pycorpora.get_categories() # ["animals", "archetypes"...] # get a list of subcategories for a particular category pycorpora.get_categories("words") # ["literature", "word_clues"...] # get a list of all files in a particular category pycorpora.get_files("animals") # ["birds_antarctica", "birds_uk", ...] # get data deserialized from the JSON data in a particular file pycorpora.get_file("animals", "birds_antarctica") # returns dict w/data # get file in a subcategory pycorpora.get_file("words/literature", "shakespeare_words")
As an extension of this interface, you can also use the get_categories
and get_file
methods on individual categories:
import pycorpora # get a list of files in the "archetypes" category pycorpora.archetypes.get_files() # ['artifact', 'character', 'event', ...] # get an individual file from the "archetypes" category pycorpora.archetypes.get_file("character") # returns dictionary w/data # get subcategories of a category pycorpora.words.get_categories() # ['literature', 'word_clues']
Here are a few quick examples of using data from the Corpora Project to do weird and fun stuff.
Create a list of whimsically colored flowers:
from pycorpora import plants, colors import random random_flowers = random.sample(plants.flowers["flowers"], 10) random_colors = random.sample( [item['color'] for item in colors.crayola["colors"]], 10) for pair in zip(random_colors, random_flowers): print " ".join(pair).title() # outputs (e.g.): # Maroon Bergamot # Blue Bell Zinnia # Pink Flamingo Camellias # Tickle Me Pink Begonia # Burnt Orange Clover # Fuzzy Wuzzy Hibiscus # Outer Space Forget Me Not # Almond Petunia # Pine Green Ladys Slipper # Shadow Jasmine
Create random biographies:
from pycorpora import humans, geography import random def a_biography(): return "{0} is a(n) {1} who lives in {2}.".format( random.choice(humans.firstNames["firstNames"]), random.choice(humans.occupations["occupations"]), random.choice(geography.us_cities["cities"])["city"]) for i in range(5): print a_biography() # outputs (e.g.): # Jessica is a(n) ceiling tile installer who lives in Grand Forks. # Kayla is a(n) substance abuse social worker who lives in Torrance. # Luis is a(n) hydrologist who lives in Saginaw. # Leah is a(n) heating installer who lives in Danville. # Grant is a(n) building inspector who lives in Vineland.
Automated pizza topping-related boasts about your inebriation:
from pycorpora import words, foods import random # "I'm so smashed I could eat a pizza with spinach, cheese, *and* hot sauce." print "I'm so {0} I could eat a pizza with {1}, {2}, *and* {3}.".format( random.choice(words.states_of_drunkenness["states_of_drunkenness"]), *random.sample(foods.pizzaToppings["pizzaToppings"], 3))
The possibilities... are endless.
- 0.1.2: Python 3 compatibility (contributed by Sam Raker); vastly improved build process (contributed by Hugo van Kemenade).
The pycorpora
package is MIT licensed (see LICENSE.txt). The data in the
Corpora Project is itself in the public domain (CC0).
Thanks to Darius Kazemi and all of the Corpora Project contributors!
This package was developed as part of my Spring 2015 research fellowship at ITP. Thank you to the program and its students for their interest and support!