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AosCore zephyr application


This project contains code of the Aos core application for zephyr OS.


Zephyr SDK is required to fetch and build this project. Follow Getting Started Guide to install mentioned dependencies and SDK.

Install protobuf compiler from pre-compiled binaries: The verified protobuf compiler version is v22.3:


Use zephyr west tool to fetch required repos:

west init -m --mr main aos_zephyr_sdk
cd aos_zephyr_sdk
west update
west zephyr-export


cd aos_core_zephyr

west build -b ${BOARD} -p auto
west build -t run

For test and debug purpose native_posix_64 or native_posix board can be used.

For real hardware with Xen the following command shall be used:

west build -b ${BOARD} -p auto -S xen_dom0 -- \
-D'DCONFIG_AOS_NODE_TYPE="my_node_type"' \
-D'CONFIG_DOMD_UBOOT_PATH="path/to/domd/u-boot"' \
-D'CONFIG_DOMD_DTB_PATH="path/to/domd/dtb"' \


  • CONFIG_AOS_NODE_TYPE - Aos node type;
  • CONFIG_DOMD_UBOOT_PATH - path to DomD u-boot binary;
  • CONFIG_DOMD_DTB_PATH - path to DomD DTB file;
  • CONFIG_TA_DEPLOY_DIR - path to directory with OPTEE TA's that shall to be build-in application;
  • CONFIG_AOS_ROOT_CA_PATH - path to Aos root CA certificate.

Supported ${BOARD}: rcar_spider, rcar_salvator_xs_m3 and rcar_h3ulcb_ca57


west build -t run

Unit tests

Unit tests are implemented using zephyr Test Framework.

Use the following commands to run the application unit tests:

west twister -c -v -T tests

All test reports will be saved in twister-out folder.

Code coverage

Use the following command to calculate unit tests code coverage:

../zephyr/scripts/twister -c -v --coverage --coverage-basedir src/ --coverage-tool gcovr -p unit_testing -T tests

Open twister-out/coverage/index.html with your browser to see the code coverage result.

To see summary:

gcovr twister-out/unit_testing -f src/