Chatbot for Telegram messenger, which sets a timer for concentration, asks about distractions and success of a task, and uploads this info to a google spreadsheet. Something like the Pomodoro Technique with results recording.
I used:
- AsyncTelebot and a couple of other classes from pyTelegramBotAPI package for connecting to Telegram API
- wraps from functools for creating private access mode (the idea is not mine, I used code from stackoverflow user "S.D." (
- aioschedule for creating a timer
- asyncio for gathering two tasks - bot.infinity_polling and scheduler
- google.oauth2 and gspread for connecting to a google spreadsheet
This bot has three commands: set, unset, and stats. When you press "set", you get 3 options of concentration period: 20, 30, and 40 minutes. When the time is up, you get a notification and then could rate your focus and completion of the task. This info uploads to a Google spreadsheet. "unset" - discards a timer. "stats" - shows you info from a spreadsheet in a compact style (for a message).
I run this script from VM in Google Cloud using "nohup" command for continuous work.