- India
- http://captanu.wordpress.com/
Simple Reinforcement learning tutorials, 莫烦Python 中文AI教学
Notes for the Reinforcement Learning course by David Silver along with implementation of various algorithms.
A simple tool to download video lectures from edx.org (and other openedx sites)
IEEE "Invited Talk on Deep Learning" 03/02/2018
anuvazhayil / veins
Forked from sommer/veinsThe open source vehicular network simulation framework.
anuvazhayil / mixim
Forked from omnetpp-models/miximMiXiM - depreacted. Use INET 3.0 instead!
anuvazhayil / qaul.net
Forked from qaul/qaul.netWifi mesh communication app
Internet Independent Wireless Mesh Communication App