This code generates a data file based on the row data of the Mobility and Transport Microcensus 2015. The generated data file can then be used with BisonBiogeme in order to estimate a discrete choice model for the choice of mobility resources in Switzerland in 2015. Two models are available in /data/output_data/biogeme:
- One model specification corresponds to our paper presented at the 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC)
- One model specification corresponds to what was used for the generation of a synthetic population (SynPop)
To run this code, you need to:
- install BisonBiogeme:
- get the data of the Mobility and Transport Microcensus. To know more about the data, please check the webpage of the Mobility and Transport Microcensus (in English, German, French and Italian). The cost of the data is described in detail in French and in German. Please order the data using our formular in German, in French or in Italian. If you don't understand any of these three languages or if you have any questions about getting the raw data, please write to
- have python 3 with pandas installed
Once you get the data of the MTMC, please copy haushalte.csv and zielpersonen.csv in data/source_data/mtmc.
The paper presenting the results is available on
To know more about the synthetic population, check To know more about the choice model for mobility ressources used to generate this synthetic population, check its description (only in French).
The population of the communes of Switzerland (state: 01/01/2015) is used by this code. It is in source_data/population_by_commune_2015.csv. The data come from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO), STAT-TAB: