This repository is my digital laboratory - a playground for unstable experiments and strong opinions. Configs might bite, features may mutate, and some components could spontaneously combust. Consider this as unstable, biased and sometimes even untested. That said, feel free to poke around and steal anything useful.
The journey begins around 2019-ish, back when I was a complete novice in the
*nix world. The way I used to manage my configurations originally was by
emulating the ~/
directory structure in the git repository; plain cp
. Luke
Smith was the individual who introduced me the *nix world via his
sarcastic yet
informational videos hosted on
his YouTube channel, also hosted
at any libre-whatever platform. More on this on the
Acknoledgments section.
The following .files have accompanied me since 2019-ish and have been under vc since 2020.
NOTE: Consider reading the 🧪 Disclaimer section.
After some time using a traditional approach to manage my configurations I went on and tried GNU Stow, which is a symlink farm manager. It was nice being able to edit the managed configuration files the normal way to also affecting the source files.
Stow did not last long before I tried chezmoi for even less time. It offered me everything Stow did but with the added benefit of being able to use placeholders and templates, among other few things.
I settled using Ansible for a while, which is a configuration management tool developed by RedHat. This convinced me to believe this project was more solid than the previously mentioned ones, because of RedHat being a big company. And in fact, it is true, until this day I still recommend using Ansible even though I do not use it anymore.
I transformed my whole configuration into Ansible playbooks, which gave a lot of flexibility and the ability to not only manage my configurations, but also to install some programs. This ended up reducing a lot manual intervention I had to deal with previously. To accomplish this, I followed LearnLinuxTV's excellent playlist on the matter.
Around mid-late 2022 I entered the world of NixOS, ( ... ) [TO BE CONTINUED]
I encourage the reader to browse through this repository's commit history to see how the structured of it has evolved over time.
- Luke Smith
- Derek "DistroTube" Taylor
- Protesilaos Stavrou
- David Wilson (SystemCrafters)
- Brodie Robertson
- Jake Hamilton
- Suraj "bugswriter" Kushwah
- Gavin Freeborn
- gotbletu
's dotfiles- Luke Smith's dotfiles
- Derek "DistroTube" Taylor's dotfiles
- David Wilson's dotfiles
- Henrik Lissner's dotfiles
's nix-starter-configs- Jake Hamilton's dotfiles
- Jörg "
" Thalheim's dotfiles - Austin "
" Horstman's dotfiles
Refer to the COPYING file for licensing information.
Unless otherwise noted, all code herein is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later.