Different behaviour build in watch-mode between webpack and esbuild when using @angular/localize #29586
area: @angular/build
freq1: low
Only reported by a handful of users who observe it rarely
severity2: inconvenient
type: bug/fix
Is this a regression?
The previous version in which this bug was not present was
Any version using "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser"
In an app we're using Angulars i18n translation (with json files) to build for a few different languages. When we started using this form of translation we were still using de webpack builder. For testing functionality we were using "ng build --watch --configuration=developent...." with in angular.json "localize": true for the development configuration. Changed files were the only ones used in an incremental build and we could copy the build to a test-server for functional testing.
After changing to esbuild (as of Angular 17) we noticed a change in behaviour when using the build in watch mode. If only 1 source file changed a whole new rebuild was made. When trying to find the cause of this change we also noticed this complete rebuild after using the touch command an a source file. Disabling localize in the development configuration will solve this change in behaviour, but then we can not test the translations with a regular development build.
Is this change in watch-mode behaviour as it should be? We consider it a bug as this change in behaviour isn't documented.
Minimal Reproduction
Reproduction is simple.
Create a new app with "ng new repro-app" with defaults (CSS and no SSR).
Add localization with "ng add @angular/localize".
Make no changes to angular.json.
Start build in watch mode with "ng build --watch --configuration development --localize=true"
Make a change to the stylesheet and see the complete rebuild.
End the watch mode and start a new one with localize=false.
Make another change to the stylesheet and see the incremental build (only stylesheet).
This is the same as using the webpack builder with localize=true.
Exception or Error
Your Environment
Anything else relevant?
We're currently using Angular 18 for building web-apps but will be migrating to 19 soon. If there is a way to change this behaviour without change the current configurations (in angular.json) I would like to know.
If this isn't a bug I also would like to know. In this case we would have to change code in our development tool how dev. builds are made and how watch mode is started.
Thanks in advance.
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