This project is a React application that consumes the MovieDB API to display a list of movies. It consists in two pages:
- A main page with a list of movies, options to sort and an input where you can type a movie to search for;
- A detail page that displays the movie selected info such as title, summary, poster image, release date, director, language, cast, run time, rating, similar movies, etc..
- A statistics page with a simple bar chart showing the top 10 rated movies
You need Node.js to run this application. You can download Node clicking here. After Node installed, you can:
Install all dependencies by running:
npm install
Start the application by running:
npm start
- Node (14.18.0) and NPM (6.14.15)
- React (17.0.2)
- Typescript (4.5.5)
- SASS (1.49.7)
- React router dom (6.2.1)
Related to the framework, I choose to use React with Typescript. Typescript is a superset of Javascript that, in my opinion, keeps the code more reliable and easy to refactor due especially to type safety.
For styling I choose to use SCSS, a CSS extension that enable us to use variables, nested rules and etc. In my opinion, it helps to keep things organized. I also use CSS modules to avoid unintended side effects since the classes are dynamically generated and mapped to the correct styles, fixing the problem of global scope in CSS.
Since the MoviesDB is paginated, I added a pagination component.