The Dolby MP4 streaming muxer (dlb_mp4base) is a software implementation of a muxer of fragmented or unfragmented ISO base media file format (mp4). It supports muxing of Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), and Dolby AC-4 audio formats as well as Dolby Vision.
These instructions will help you get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
The "dlb_mp4base" folder consists of:
- This file.
- doc/ Doxygen documentation of the dlb_mp4base.
- frontend/ MP4Muxer frontend with corresponding EMA interface as source code.
- include/ Necessary header files of the dlb_mp4base library.
- make/ Makefiles and Visual Studio projects/solutions for building the Dolby MP4 multiplexer library with frontends and test harnesses.
- src/ Contains the MP4 multiplexer source code.
- test/ Test harnesses for unit and developer system tests including test signals.
For Windows platform development, Visual Studio 2010 must be installed with SP1.
After cloning the dlb_mp4base repository to your local machine, go to the:
"cd mp4muxer2\make\mp4muxer.library"
Then build one of the following make targets:
"cmake -S . -B ..\\..\\build"
"cd ..\\..\\build"
"msbuild mp4muxer.sln -target:mp4muxer:Rebuild /property:Configuration=Release"
"copy .\\Release\\mp4muxer.lib .\\"
"cd ..\\"
"cargo update"
"cargo build --release"
After cloning the dlb_mp4base repository to your local machine, go to the:
"cd mp4muxer2/make/mp4muxer.library"
Then build one of the following make targets:
"cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B ../../build"
"cd ../../build"
"cd ../"
"cargo update"
"cargo build --release"
See the Release Notes file for details
This project is licensed under the BSD-3 License - see the LICENSE file for details