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FastAPI Authentication Gateway Middleware

This module provides middleware for verifying authorization tokens from request headers or cookies in a FastAPI application. It ensures secure authentication by validating tokens against an external authentication service.


  • Middleware for FastAPI that intercepts requests for authentication validation.

  • Supports token authentication via headers or cookies.

  • Configurable validation service URL, headers, and timeout.

  • Custom error messages and headers.

  • Ability to exclude specific URLs from authentication.


You can install the package using pip:

pip install fastapi-auth-gateway

Alternatively, if you prefer to use poetry for package dependencies:

poetry shell
poetry add fastapi-auth-gateway


Middleware Setup

To use the authentication middleware, include it in your FastAPI application:

from fastapi_auth_gateway import FastAPIAuthGateway, AuthLocation

app = FastAPI()

    custom_headers={"X-Custom-Header": "Value"},
    custom_error={"error": "Unauthorized access"},
    exclude_urls=["/public", "/health"]

Token Validation Process

  • The middleware extracts the token from either the request header (Authorization) or a cookie.

  • If a token is missing, it returns a 401 Unauthorized response.

  • The token is validated against an external authentication service via AuthValidationClient.

  • If the token is invalid, it returns the error response from the authentication service.

  • If the token is valid, the request proceeds to the next middleware or endpoint.



A middleware that intercepts requests and verifies authentication tokens before allowing access to endpoints.


A client that handles the authentication validation process using aiohttp to communicate with an external validation service.


An enumeration defining where authentication tokens can be extracted from:

  • HEADER: Extract token from request headers.

  • COOKIE: Extract token from request cookies.

Configuration Options

Parameter Type Description
validation_service_url str The URL of the authentication validation service.
key str The key used for token extraction (e.g., "Authorization").
auth_location AuthLocation Defines whether authentication is handled via headers or cookies.
timeout int Timeout for authentication requests (in seconds).
custom_headers dict(optional) Custom headers to include in authentication requests.
custom_error dict(optional) Custom error message response for unauthorized access.
exclude_urls list(optional) List of endpoint paths to exclude from authentication.

Example Response

If authentication fails, the middleware returns a 401 Unauthorized response:

    "message": "Unauthorized"


This project is licensed under the MIT License.