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v0.0.1 License

$${Com \color{red} py \color{black} le}$$


APIs, Twitch, Youtube, MoviePy, OpenCV, MongoDB...


  1. Python, at least 3.10

  2. Poetry, any stable version since 1.2 but idealy requires 1.3 or above

  3. ImageMagick

⚠️ Once you have installed it, ImageMagick should be automatically detected by MoviePy, except for some developers under specific OS:

  • for windows users, you may also set the variable IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY from the moviepy config file. To avoid doing so, make sure to check "install legacy utilities" in the installation wizard.

  • for ubuntu users (≥ 19.04), you may have installed from apt://imagemagick (or via the apt install command line), then you need to disable this line <policy domain="path" rights="none" pattern="@*"/> from the security policy file located at /etc/ImageMagick/policy.xml.

MoviePy additionally depends on the Python modules Numpy, imageio, Decorator, and tqdm, which will be automatically installed during MoviePy’s installation but it also needs extra common libraries like PIL, FFMPEG for specific usecases...

Getting started


  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd twitch_compyle/
  1. Checkout the main branch
git checkout main


To setup this project, install the dependencies using poetry like so:

poetry lock
poetry install --sync

And, if you later need to update the dependencies accordingly to the pyproject.toml:

poetry lock
poetry update

Secondly refer to the configuration guide for a documentated overview on how to configure the .env file.


To run the project and list the possible sub-commands, run the following command in a poetry shell:

python sources/ -h

Getting addicted

🚧 Contribution

If you are interested in the project, check the development manual. Please refer to this guide for further information on how to get started on the project for developers and contributors.

📫 Contact

Tho we like postcards, we prefer emails : @adesvall, @amaurylrd (owner), @thomasabreudias


See the LICENSE file for licensing information

And don't forget to give the project a star! ⭐