SmartObject is a library to easily manipulate object attributes with the API commands, store and synchronize object data.
SmartObject is designed to quickly build IoT applications, but can be used in any other applications, which require combining local and distributed object storages and changing object properties via external API calls, automatically validating incoming data.
Mapped object attributes (called properties) can be automatically validated, saved, loaded, serialized and synchronized with the external services.
SmartObject looks like ORM, but it's different from ORM: object properties can be stored in storages of different type and combined together into a single data object.
SmartObject has built-in storage engines for files (JSON, YAML, MessagePack and CBOR) and databases: RDBMS via SQLAlchemy (can store objects) and Redis (can handle external properties only).
Property values are automatically processed, validated and synchronized with external services if required.
Note: all SmartObject methods are thread-safe (at least they should be :)
You have a team of people with heart-rate sensors. Data for each person is stored in local JSON files, heartbeat is stored in Redis database. How to implement this with SmartObject? Just a few lines of code:
import smartobject
class Person(smartobject.SmartObject):
def __init__(self, name): = name
smartobject.config.storage_dir = 'data'
smartobject.define_storage(smartobject.RedisStorage(), 'r1')
people = smartobject.SmartObjectFactory(Person)
# create objects with factory
# create object manually
jack = Person('Jack')
# you can set a single prop
people.set_prop('John', 'sex', 'male')
people.set_prop('Jane', 'sex', 'female')
# or multiple props with dict
# heartbeat value is automatically written to Redis
jack.set_prop({'sex': 'male', 'heartbeat': 100})
# print object info (name and sex only)
from pprint import pprint
pprint(people.serialize('Jane', mode='info'))
# clear Jack's sex
jack.set_prop('sex', None)
# load it back
# add Jack to factory
# heartbeat value is automatically read from Redis
print('Heartbeat of Jack is: {}'.format(people.get('Jack').heartbeat))
The file person.yml is a property map for the Person object. It can be loaded from the external YAML file or specified directly, as Python dict.
The map for the above example looks like:
pk: true
serialize: info
type: str
- null
- male
- female
store: true
serialize: info
type: float
external: true
store: r1
Pretty simple, isn't it? You define a map, SmartObject does the job!
pip3 install smartobject
Full documentation is available at