I am looking for a job either in London, or working remotely. I have around 20 years experience working for a wide range of firms using a lot of different technologies. If you think i might be a good fit for your firm, please contact me by posting an issue on this repository or contacting me on twitter.com/londiniumcom
This is a demo application to show off some of the features of Laravel 5.4 that i have made. It has the following features
- Private Jet system for importing data using artisan commands
- API version of the planes database
- website directory system manager to output static html site
- jquery examples
- vue.js examples
- rss feeds to download laravel jobs and news from feeds
- guzzle artisan command to download html
- import artisan command to parse downloaded html
- twitter api examples
download the app
mkdir /var/www/laravel54
cd /var/laravel54
git clone https://github.com/allotmentandy/laravel54
create 4 directories and give them read/write rights
mkdir bizjets
mkdir rss
mkdir public/planeImages
mkdir public/planeImages/jetPhotos
mkdir public/planeImages/airlinersNet
UPDATE: the composer install script should make these for you.
PHP requirements
apt-get install php7.2-gd php7.2-tidy php7.2-mbstring php7.2-curl php7.2-mysql php7.2-xml php7.2-zip
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan config:clear
import 3 databases
mysql -u root -p aircraft < aircraft.sql
mysql -u root -p laravel54 < laravel54.sql
mysql -u root -p londinium < londinium.sql
create .env file from the .env.example
setup the database username and password for the 3 databases
set a variable for the directory where the corpjet files will be downloaded in the .env file
BIZJETS_DIRECTORY = /var/www/laravel54/bizjets/
download data from the corpjet website using this command to the directory above. The file corpjet.txt contains the urls for the country lists
php artisan bizjets:download
Parse the files using xpath and import into the planesNew table from each of these files
php artisan bizjets:import
Compate the planesNew table with the planes table
php artisan bizjets:importNewAircraftToLive
* version 1 - only imports new aircraft so far!
* version 2 - changed - re-reg?
* version 2 -
php artisan queue:work --tries=1
There are a number of bash scripts to automate the laravel setup to clear all the caches and run the tests
./pi.sh a raspberry pi script for the ARM chipset (as there is no chrome for the dusk tests)
The bash script runtest.sh runs all the tests using phpunit, codeception and laravel dusk. to run it use:
run with
run with
php artisan dusk
to run the spider for all websites
update sites SET updated_at = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
compare the planesNew data to the planes table
Xpath extract the data from the download jobs - serial, owner and store in db
blank results for registration eg. 3c-llx
build API version using Laravel Passport Oauth2
experment with React JS
eloquent models - complex joins and examples