This guide will walk you through the steps to install a TypeScript GitHub repository that uses Node.js to run a CLI tool.
Before you begin, ensure that you have the following software installed on your machine:
- Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed. You can download and install it from the official website:
- Git: Ensure that Git is installed on your machine. If not, you can download and install it from the official website:
- OpenAI API Key: You will need an OpenAI API key to use this tool. You can get one by signing up for an account at Once you have an account, you can find your API key on the page.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd gitmsg
Install dependencies by running the following command:
pnpm install
This command will install all the required dependencies listed in the
file. -
Build the TypeScript code:
pnpm run build
This command compiles the TypeScript code into JavaScript.
file with contents:#!/bin/sh node ~/path/to/gitmsg/dist $1
Add these environment variables to your profile:
Suggested commit message prompt:
'I want you to act as a software developer. I will provide you with a `git diff`, and it will be your job to write a succinct commit message, adhering to "conventional commit" rules for this change. Only include the commit message text. Do not include information about commit messages or how to compose commit messages.'
Suggested pull request message prompt:
'I want you to act as a software developer. I will provide you with a `git diff`, and it will be your job to write a succinct pull request description with the following template: \n## Changes Proposed \n\n- Detailed explanation of what this PR should do \n\n## Additional Information \n\n- decisions that were made \n- notice of future work that needs to be done \n\n## Testing \n\n- How should reviewers verify this PR?\n\nOnly include the description text. Do not include information about pull requests or how to compose a pull request description.'
If you have any issues with the installation or encounter any bugs, please open an issue.
Generate a commit message based on changes in stages files and commit them:
Generate a pull request message based on changes against main (you optionally can specify a branch and specific files):
gitmsg --pr <file1> <file2> ... --branch <origin/my-branch>
Display usage information:
gitmsg --help
Amend the last commit with staged files:
gitmsg --amend
Undo the last commit:
gitmsg --undo