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User Manual

Zach Tait edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 10 revisions

Most recent update: 30/12/2021



Two use cases of SEEDPOD and the general workflow to be followed are provided elsewhere in this wiki. These examples will be referenced in this user manual.

Use Case 1

Use Case 2

Main Window

Main window Figure 1: Main window of the SEEDPOD software. This is the main window as seen when you load up SEEDPOD for the first time.


The menu at the top has 4 items:


At the moment the Import button is not in use. The Export .png button will export a .png picture file of the current main window state to a location of the users choice.


Not currently in use.


The Add Aircraft button will produce the menu found in Figure 2. This menu enables the user to define a new aircraft with their own parameters, which will then be saved in the [Aircraft List]( file). This file will be overwritten when the user adds a new aircraft, meaning that the aircraft saved on the user's local copy of SEEDPOD will be saved permanently. If their software is updated, they will have to re-define these aircraft as their aircraft_list.json file will be overwritten. It should be noted the software will not allow the user to replicate a saved aircraft's name and save it, as the name is used as a unique identification reference in the codebase. If a name is attempted to be replicated, the aircraft will instead be saved in the format original_name(1). E.g. If a user tries to save an aircraft named SPOTTER, it will be saved as SPOTTER(1).

Figure 3 shows the data window the shows when an aircraft is chosen in the Show Aircraft Data menu. This will display the parameters for the chosen aircraft to the user.

Add aircraft menu

Figure 2: The Add Aircraft menu.

aircraft data

Figure 3: The Aircraft Data window.


About App will show the SEEDPOD README.

About Static Data will show the SEEDPOD DATA_SOURCES file.

Time Slider

Below the main menu bar is a time slider bar. This allows you to change the time of day that is requested when querying population densities in specific locations. For more information see SEEDPOD Technical Documentation.

Layer List (Left)

The layer list contains a list of layers that will be generated when the generate button is pressed next. Each one will have the name of the layer displayed. Layer widgets can be dragged about or right-clicked, which will produce a list of options dependant on its layer type. All of the layers will have the ability to be deleted, however, some have other options in their menu. A Pathfinding layer, for example, will allow the user to produce a .geojson file of their route or show the path analysis window for that path. An example of this window, which displays a graph of Fatality Risk vs Distance and some risk figures for that path, can be found below in Figure 4.

It is important to note that when producing the risk map, pathfinding layers will use the data layer that corresponds to its specific aircraft. However, to avoid multiple data layers being shown on the map only the top data layer on the list at the moment of generation will be displayed.

Example path analysis window Figure 4: Example path analysis window.

Map (Right)

The map is fully movable and zoomable. It will display map tiles as the base and will overlay the data layers and pathfinding layers on top. When Generating the map, the edges of the map shown on the screen at the time will be used to determine the size of data layer tile produced.

Progress and Status Bar

The Progress Bar will show the progress of data and pathfinding generation. The Status Bar will show any important messages not given on the Command Line.