This gem hooks into the HasOffers API as documented here:
gem install hasoffers
Add a has_offers.yml file to your RAILS_ROOT/config/ directory following the format outlined in the gems config/has_offers.yml file and change the credentials accordingly.
Example usage: (more examples in tests)
response = HasOffers::Offer.create('name' => 'Test', 'description' => 'Test', 'advertiser_id' => '1', 'offer_url' => 'test', 'preview_url' => 'test', 'protocol' => 'https', 'status' => 'active', 'expiration_date' => ( + 30).to_s)
When running in development mode, by default live api calls are not made. Dummy responses are returned from the DummyResponse class. Set the HAS_OFFERS_LIVE environment variable to “1” to make live api calls when in development mode like so:
Rails 2.x: env HAS_OFFERS_LIVE=1 script/server Rails 3.x: env HAS_OFFERS_LIVE=1 rails server
If you always want live api calls in development mode then you can add this line within the config.after_initialize block of your development.rb file:
config.after_initialize do
HasOffers::Base.api_mode = :live
The tests can be ran in two modes:
rake test
Does not make live API calls. Dummy responses are returned by the DummyResponse class which is also used in development mode to avoid live API calls.
env HAS_OFFERS_LIVE=1 rake test
Makes live api calls. Uses the HasOffer credentials in config/has_offers.yml which by default is set to the demo account credentials. HasOffers does not supply a test gateway so be careful to not run these tests against your live HasOffers account.
The HasOffers API is huge and this gem implements only a portion of what is available with their API. With this framework in place it should be easy to extend the gem for API calls that are not yet supported. Please send contributions as git patches to, or alternatively create a fork and send a git pull request via github.