go get github.com/alexflint/go-restructure
This package allows you to express regular expressions by defining a struct, and then capture matched sub-expressions into struct fields. Here is a very simple email address parser:
import "github.com/alexflint/go-restructure"
type EmailAddress struct {
_ struct{} `^`
User string `\w+`
_ struct{} `@`
Host string `[^@]+`
_ struct{} `$`
func main() {
var addr EmailAddress
restructure.Find(&addr, "joe@example.com")
fmt.Println(addr.User) // prints "joe"
fmt.Println(addr.Host) // prints "example.com"
(Note that the above is far too simplistic to be used as a serious email address validator.)
The regular expression that was executed was the concatenation of the struct tags:
The first submatch was inserted into the User
field and the second into the Host
You may also use the regexp:
tag key, but keep in mind that you must escape quotes and backslashes:
type EmailAddress struct {
_ string `regexp:"^"`
User string `regexp:"\\w+"`
_ string `regexp:"@"`
Host string `regexp:"[^@]+"`
_ string `regexp:"$"`
Here is a slightly more sophisticated email address parser that uses nested structs:
type Hostname struct {
Domain string `\w+`
_ struct{} `\.`
TLD string `\w+`
type EmailAddress struct {
_ struct{} `^`
User string `[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+`
_ struct{} `@`
Host *Hostname
_ struct{} `$`
func main() {
var addr EmailAddress
success, _ := restructure.Find(&addr, "joe@example.com")
if success {
fmt.Println(addr.User) // prints "joe"
fmt.Println(addr.Host.Domain) // prints "example"
fmt.Println(addr.Host.TLD) // prints "com"
Compare this to using the standard library regexp.FindStringSubmatchIndex
func main() {
content := "joe@example.com"
expr := regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+)@((\w+)\.(\w+))$`)
indices := expr.FindStringSubmatchIndex(content)
if len(indices) > 0 {
userBegin, userEnd := indices[2], indices[3]
var user string
if userBegin != -1 && userEnd != -1 {
user = content[userBegin:userEnd]
domainBegin, domainEnd := indices[6], indices[7]
var domain string
if domainBegin != -1 && domainEnd != -1 {
domain = content[domainBegin:domainEnd]
tldBegin, tldEnd := indices[8], indices[9]
var tld string
if tldBegin != -1 && tldEnd != -1 {
tld = content[tldBegin:tldEnd]
fmt.Println(user) // prints "joe"
fmt.Println(domain) // prints "example"
fmt.Println(tld) // prints "com"
It is also possible to set struct fields as int
to get the string automatically converted.
// Matches "12 wombats", "1 wombat" and store the number as int
type Wisdom struct {
Number int `^\d+`
_ string `\s+`
Animal string `\w+`
When nesting one struct within another, you can make the nested struct optional by marking it with ?
. The following example parses floating point numbers with optional sign and exponent:
// Matches "123", "1.23", "1.23e-4", "-12.3E+5", ".123"
type Float struct {
Sign *Sign `?` // sign is optional
Whole string `[0-9]*`
Period struct{} `\.?`
Frac string `[0-9]+`
Exponent *Exponent `?` // exponent is optional
// Matches "e+4", "E6", "e-03"
type Exponent struct {
_ struct{} `[eE]`
Sign *Sign `?` // sign is optional
Num string `[0-9]+`
// Matches "+" or "-"
type Sign struct {
Ch string `[+-]`
When an optional sub-struct is not matched, it will be set to nil:
"1.23" -> {
"Sign": nil,
"Whole": "1",
"Frac": "23",
"Exponent": nil
"1.23e+45" -> {
"Sign": nil,
"Whole": "1",
"Frac": "23",
"Exponent": {
"Sign": {
"Ch": "+"
"Num": "45"
The following example uses Regexp.FindAll
to extract all floating point numbers from
a string, using the same Float
struct as in the example above.
src := "There are 10.4 cats for every 100 dogs in the United States."
floatRegexp := restructure.MustCompile(Float{}, restructure.Options{})
var floats []Float
floatRegexp.FindAll(&floats, src, -1)
To limit the number of matches set the third parameter to a positive number.
To get the begin and end position of submatches, use the restructure.Submatch
struct in place of string
Here is an example of matching python imports such as import foo as bar
type Import struct {
_ struct{} `^import\s+`
Package restructure.Submatch `\w+`
_ struct{} `\s+as\s+`
Alias restructure.Submatch `\w+`
var importRegexp = restructure.MustCompile(Import{}, restructure.Options{})
func main() {
var imp Import
importRegexp.Find(&imp, "import foo as bar")
fmt.Printf("IMPORT %s (bytes %d...%d)\n", imp.Package.String(), imp.Package.Begin, imp.Package.End)
fmt.Printf(" AS %s (bytes %d...%d)\n", imp.Alias.String(), imp.Alias.Begin, imp.Alias.End)
IMPORT foo (bytes 7...10)
AS bar (bytes 14...17)
To run a regular expression as part of a json unmarshal, just implement the JSONUnmarshaler
interface. Here is an example that parses the following JSON string containing a quaternion:
"Var": "foo",
"Val": "1+2i+3j+4k"
First we define the expressions for matching quaternions in the form 1+2i+3j+4k
// Matches "1", "-12", "+12"
type RealPart struct {
Sign string `regexp:"[+-]?"`
Real string `regexp:"[0-9]+"`
// Matches "+123", "-1"
type SignedInt struct {
Sign string `regexp:"[+-]"`
Real string `regexp:"[0-9]+"`
// Matches "+12i", "-123i"
type IPart struct {
Magnitude SignedInt
_ struct{} `regexp:"i"`
// Matches "+12j", "-123j"
type JPart struct {
Magnitude SignedInt
_ struct{} `regexp:"j"`
// Matches "+12k", "-123k"
type KPart struct {
Magnitude SignedInt
_ struct{} `regexp:"k"`
// matches "1+2i+3j+4k", "-1+2k", "-1", etc
type Quaternion struct {
Real *RealPart
I *IPart `regexp:"?"`
J *JPart `regexp:"?"`
K *KPart `regexp:"?"`
// matches the quoted strings `"-1+2i"`, `"3-4i"`, `"12+34i"`, etc
type QuotedQuaternion struct {
_ struct{} `regexp:"^"`
_ struct{} `regexp:"\""`
Quaternion *Quaternion
_ struct{} `regexp:"\""`
_ struct{} `regexp:"$"`
Next we implement UnmarshalJSON
for the QuotedQuaternion
var quaternionRegexp = restructure.MustCompile(QuotedQuaternion{}, restructure.Options{})
func (c *QuotedQuaternion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if !quaternionRegexp.Find(c, string(b)) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a quaternion", string(b))
return nil
Now we can define a struct and unmarshal JSON into it:
type Var struct {
Name string
Value *QuotedQuaternion
func main() {
src := `{"name": "foo", "value": "1+2i+3j+4k"}`
var v Var
json.Unmarshal([]byte(src), &v)
The result is:
"Name": "foo",
"Value": {
"Quaternion": {
"Real": {
"Sign": "",
"Real": "1"
"I": {
"Magnitude": {
"Sign": "+",
"Real": "2"
"J": {
"Magnitude": {
"Sign": "+",
"Real": "3"
"K": {
"Magnitude": {
"Sign": "+",
"Real": "4"