This is a small Twitter bot that tweets a weather forecast each morning.
The project is based in part on williamsmj's dwx and uses the Dark Sky API for weather info. The purpose of this project was to learn more about Zappa while creating something useful.
Check out the live Twitter bot at TwitWeatherAKL.
🌚🌚⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚 🌡13
— TwitWeatherAKL (@TwitWeatherAKL) August 5, 2019
Follow these steps to get up and running with your own version of TwitWeather deployed to AWS Lambda:
Create a virtual env for the project
mkproject twitweather
Clone this repo
git clone .
Install required libraries
pip install pytz requests zappa tweepy
Initialise Zappa
zappa init
Modify your
to use your own API keys, location, and AWS settings:{ "dev": { "profile_name": "default", "project_name": "twitweather", "runtime": "python3.6", "s3_bucket": "your-s3-bucket", "aws_region": "ap-southeast-2", "events": [{ "function": "twitweather.check_time_and_post", "expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)" }], "environment_variables": { "DS_KEY": "your-dark-sky-key", "TW_CONSUMERKEY": "your-twitter-consumer-key", "TW_CONSUMERKEYSECRET": "your-twitter-consumer-secret", "TW_ACCESSTOKEN": "your-twitter-access-token", "TW_ACCESSTOKENSECRET": "your-twitter-secret", "LATITUDE": "-36.852501", "LONGITUDE": "174.763081", "LOCAL_TZ": "Pacific/Auckland" } } }
Note: an AWS region must be set even though Zappa does not include it by default.
zappa deploy dev