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⚖️ L
:balance_scale: L
Size of PR between 500 and 1000 lines
⚖️ M
:balance_scale: M
Size of PR between 100 and 500 lines
⚖️ S
:balance_scale: S
Size of PR between 50 and 100 lines
⚖️ XL
:balance_scale: XL
Size of PR between 1000 and 2000 lines
⚖️ XS
:balance_scale: XS
Size of PR between 10 and 50 lines
⚖️ XXL
:balance_scale: XXL
Size of PR is more than 2000 lines
⚖️ XXS
:balance_scale: XXS
Size of PR is less than 10 lines
🪲 bug
:beetle: bug
Bug fixes
📘 documentation
:blue_book: documentation
Documentation changes
🧹 cleaning
:broom: cleaning
Removing code
📈 dependency-update
:chart_with_upwards_trend: dependency-update
Dependency update (possibly bot-automated)
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update javascript code
💄 style
:lipstick: style
Style or formatting changes
📦 refactor
:package: refactor
Refactor or renaming changes
🚀 feature
:rocket: feature
New feature or improvement
🧪 tests
:test_tube: tests
Test changes (fixing or adding new ones)
⚠️ breaking
:warning: breaking
Breaking changes to the API
🔧 build
:wrench: build
Changes to the project's build