This is a fork of @nephiel and @Mottramlabs projects
Thanks to Dawies for his contributions and his tutorial
The sensor uses a Wemos D1 Mini and PRO and a Non-invasive Split Core Current Transformer type 100A SCT-013-000, available on eBay. You can use Current Transformer type calibrated SCT-013-030 (30A), SCT-013-050 (50A) and others. Recomended Clamp 30A or higger.
The sensor samples the current value every 10 seconds and publishes it to a topic via an MQTT broker. you can change this value up to 5 seconds If the connection fails, it attempts to reconnect to the WiFi and/or the MQTT Broker as needed.
Original Gerber files for the PCB layout and the source files for Kicad are included, although there may be issues with the custom libraries used.
Software features:
- Easy setup.
- Responsive design.
- Home Asisstant Discovery.
- All setup in web browser: Wifi, MQTT, Calibrate, timezone, update and system.
- Update Voltaje by MQTT topic.
- NTP to setup timezone.
- Blynk Integration
- ThingSpeak integration
- OTA updates
- Optional reset Kwh counter one day of the month
- Reset Kwh in MQTT Topic
- Wemos D1 Mini / D1 Mini Pro
- ESP8266 Mains Current Sensor
- Current transformer SCT013 (Ebay or Aliexpress)
- Optional case:
WARNING: If you use calibrated clamp, REMOVE resistance R1 from mains current sensor.
Download latest release You can flash using software nodemcu-pyflasher
- Select Serial port (COM# port) where your serial-to-USB or NodeMCU/D1 mini is connected. Leave on auto-select if not sure.
- Browse to the binary you downloaded from WemosEM releases.
- Set Baud rate to 115200 and Flash mode to DOUT. Erase flash to yes if it is the first time flashing WemosEM on the device or you're experiencing issues with existing flash. If you're upgrading WemosEM set to no.
- Click Flash NodeMCU and watch the progress in console.
If the flash was successful the console will display: Firmware successfully flashed. unplug/replug or reset device to switch back to normal boot mode
Unplug your adapter or device and plug it back in or connect to another power source. Your device is now ready for Initial configuration.
You can see in Tasmota project other options to flash:
WemosEM provides a wireless access point for easy Wi-Fi configuration.
Connect your device to a power source and grab your smartphone (or tablet or laptop or any other web and Wi-Fi capable device). Search for a Wi-Fi AP named wemosEM-xxxxxx (where x is a last part of MAC) and connect to it with password infinito&masalla. In this example the Wi-Fi AP is named wemosEM-AB128A. When it connects to the network, you may get a warning that there is no Internet connection and be prompted to connect to a different network. Do not allow the mobile device to select a different network.
After you have connected to the WemosEM Wi-Fi AP, open in a web browser on the smartphone (or whatever device you used). Some devices might prompt you to sign in to Wi-Fi network which should also open the above address.
At this page you can have WemosEM scan for available Wi-Fi networks. Select and setup you wifi network. Click save and you wemos will connect to your wifi.
Finally, connect with IP or http://wemosem-xxxxxx.local/ and enter default user and passwor:- Default user: wemosem
- Default password: infinito&masalla
Password is updatable in configuration system tab.
you can view the ICAL value in
CT | Output Type | Rburden | Rgain (for 5V) | ICAL (for 5V) | Rgain (for 3.3V) | ICAL (for 3.3V) |
SCT-013-005 | Voltage | None | 130 kΩ | 2.83 | None* | 5.0 |
SCT-013-010 | Voltage | None | 130 kΩ | 5.66 | None* | 10.0 |
SCT-013-015 | Voltage | None | 130 kΩ | 8.49 | None* | 15.0 |
SCT-013-020 | Voltage | None | 130 kΩ | 11.31 | None* | 20.0 |
SCT-013-025 | Voltage | None | 130 kΩ | 14.14 | None* | 25.0 |
SCT-013-030 | Voltage | None | 130 kΩ | 16.96 | None* | 30.0 |
SCT-013-050 | Voltage | None | 130 kΩ | 28.28 | None* | 50.0 |
SCT-013-060 | Voltage | None | 130 kΩ | 33.94 | None* | 60.0 |
SCT-006 | Current | 10 Ω | 17 kΩ | 11.62 | 28 kΩ | 17.5 |
SCT-013-000 | Current | 10 Ω | 40 kΩ | 56.57 | 75 kΩ | 85.71 |
SCT-019 | Current | 10 Ω | 24 kΩ | 116.13 | 40 kΩ | 171.43 |
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "wemos/wemosEM-XXXXXX/power"
name: WemosEM-Amperaje
icon: mdi:current-ac
unit_of_measurement: "A"
value_template: "{{ value_json.current }}"
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "wemos/wemosEM-XXXXXX/power"
name: WemosEM-Consumo Actual
icon: mdi:power-plug
unit_of_measurement: "W"
value_template: "{{ value_json.watios }}"
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "wemos/wemosEM-XXXXXX/power"
name: WemosEM-KWh
icon: mdi:power-plug
unit_of_measurement: "KWh"
value_template: "{{ value_json.kwh }}"nt Cell | Content Cell |
if you have a Shelly EM, add a automation in Home assistant:
- alias: Update voltage WemosEM
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: mqtt
topic: shellies/shellyem-B9E2E9/emeter/0/voltage
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: "wemos-cmd/wemosEM-XXXXXX/voltage"
payload: '{{ trigger.payload }}'
if you have a device with Tasmota, add a automation in Home assistant:
- alias: Update voltage Tasmota-WemosEM
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: mqtt
topic: tele/sonoff01/SENSOR
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: "wemos-cmd/wemosEM-XXXXXX/voltage"
payload: "{{ trigger.payload_json['ENERGY'].Voltage }}"
Go to Blynk app on your phone and layout the blynk project with virtual pin number according:
- Virtual PIN V0: Voltage (V)
- Virtual PIN V1: Current (A)
- Virtual PIN V2: Live Watios (w)
- Virtual PIN V3: Energy (kwh)
- Virtual PIN V4: Energy before last reset (kwh)
Setup in web interface token auth, optional you can setup server and port server.
Setup in web interface token auth (Write API Key) and Channel number.
- Field 1: Voltage (V)
- Field 2: Current (A)
- Field 3: Live Watios (w)
- Field 4: Energy (kwh)
- Field 5: Energy before last reset (kwh)
Topic | Description |
wemos-cmd/wemosEM-XXXXXX/voltage | Set/update voltage (from sonoff, shelly or other devices) |
wemos-cmd/wemosEM-XXXXXX/status | Get Status of wemosEM |
wemos-cmd/wemosEM-XXXXXX/resetkwh | reset kwh and store and beforeResetkwh variable |
OTA updates from platformio windows with espota: ~/.platformio/packages/tool-espotapy/ --progress --ip --auth "infinito&masalla" --file wemosEM-1.3.1_core-2.4.bin
This project is developed with platformio. WemosEM not compile with core 2.3 because blynk library require core 2.4.0 or higher.
- Recomended compile this project with Arduino Core 2.4.2.
- Compile: pio run
- Compile and upload Wemos D1: pio run -t upload
Other options:
- Compile with core 2.5: pio run -t upload -e d1_mini_2_5
- Compile for Wemos D1 Mini PRO (only core 2.4): pio run -t upload -e d1_mini_pro_2_4